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Search Results (318)

A Lethal Complication of Transarterial Chemoembolization: Severe Liver Necrosis and Abscesses.Academic Article Why?
A Placebo-Controlled Trial of Antibiotics for Smaller Skin Abscesses.Academic Article Why?
Cold Case: Mystery in the Midwest of Metastatic Tuberculous Abscesses.Academic Article Why?
Diffusion-weighted MR imaging of abdominopelvic abscesses.Academic Article Why?
Fiberoptic bronchoscopy in the evaluation of lung abscesses.Academic Article Why?
Increased isolation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in pediatric head and neck abscesses.Academic Article Why?
Pulmonary abscesses in congenital syphilis.Academic Article Why?
Rare presentation of Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia with bacteremia and multiple subcutaneous abscesses.Academic Article Why?
Telltale mouth flora: a clue to the diagnosis of factitious recurrent thigh abscesses.Academic Article Why?
Airway foreign bodies and brain abscesses: report of two cases and review of the literature.Academic Article Why?
Candida (Torulopsis glabrata) liver abscesses eight years after orthotopic liver transplantation.Academic Article Why?
Failure of single doses of cefazolin and cefamandole to penetrate experimental chronic Escherichia coli abdominal abscesses.Academic Article Why?
Intracranial vasculitis and multiple abscesses in a pregnant woman.Academic Article Why?
Multiple perineal abscesses and sinus tracts as a complication of vaginal mesh.Academic Article Why?
Role of diffusion-weighted MRI in differentiation of hepatic abscesses from non-infected fluid collections.Academic Article Why?
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