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Search Results (54)

Help patients prevent repeat ankle injury.Academic Article Why?
Ankle InjuriesConcept Why?
Reliability and validity of a mobile phone for radiographic assessment of ankle injuries: a randomized inter- and intraobserver agreement study.Academic Article Why?
Hynes, KellyPerson Why?
[Disorders of vascularization following fracture of the ankle joint in children].Academic Article Why?
A critical assessment of factors influencing reliability in the classification of fractures, using fractures of the tibial plafond as a model.Academic Article Why?
A modified Delphi consensus statement on patellar instability: part I.Academic Article Why?
A survey of orthopedic surgeons regarding DVT prophylaxis in foot and ankle trauma surgery.Academic Article Why?
All-suture fixation of syndesmotic injuries: a case series.Academic Article Why?
Assessment of the posterior malleolus as a restraint to posterior subluxation of the ankle.Academic Article Why?
Balancing the risk of complications in foot and ankle surgical patients taking antithrombotic medication.Academic Article Why?
Change over time of SF-36 functional outcomes for operatively treated unstable ankle fractures.Academic Article Why?
Comparison of a Novel Modified All-Suture Construct versus Suspensory Suture-button Fixation in a Syndesmotic Injury Model.Academic Article Why?
Comparison of SF-36 and Short Musculoskeletal Functional Assessment in recovery from fixation of unstable ankle fractures.Academic Article Why?
Defect type, localization and marker gene expression determines early adverse events of matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte implantation.Academic Article Why?
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