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Search Results (18)

Contact-Dependent Antagonism in Gut BacteroidalesGrant Why?
Comstock, LauriePerson Why?
"Cross-glycosylation" of proteins in Bacteroidales species.Academic Article Why?
Niche-specific features of the intestinal bacteroidales.Academic Article Why?
A family of anti-Bacteroidales peptide toxins wide-spread in the human gut microbiota.Academic Article Why?
A proteolytically activated antimicrobial toxin encoded on a mobile plasmid of Bacteroidales induces a protective response.Academic Article Why?
Analysis of Effector and Immunity Proteins of the GA2 Type VI Secretion Systems of Gut Bacteroidales.Academic Article Why?
Bacteroidales Secreted Antimicrobial Proteins Target Surface Molecules Necessary for Gut Colonization and Mediate Competition In Vivo.Academic Article Why?
Bacteroidetocins Target the Essential Outer Membrane Protein BamA of Bacteroidales Symbionts and Pathogens.Academic Article Why?
Characterization of adherent bacteroidales from intestinal biopsies of children and young adults with inflammatory bowel disease.Academic Article Why?
Evidence of extensive DNA transfer between bacteroidales species within the human gut.Academic Article Why?
Secreted antimicrobial proteins of the intestinal BacteriodalesGrant Why?
Bacteroides fragilis type VI secretion systems use novel effector and immunity proteins to antagonize human gut Bacteroidales species.Academic Article Why?
Comprehensive analyses of a large human gut Bacteroidales culture collection reveal species and strain level diversity and evolution.Academic Article Why?
Longitudinal analysis of the prevalence, maintenance, and IgA response to species of the order Bacteroidales in the human gut.Academic Article Why?
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