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Search Results (362)

Biochemistry of the lysine beta-hydroxybutyrylation pathwayGrant Why?
An unresponsive biochemistry professor in the bathtub.Academic Article Why?
Biochemistry and neuropathology of mice doubly deficient in synthesis and degradation of galactosylceramide.Academic Article Why?
Biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, and physiological roles of the iodothyronine selenodeiodinases.Academic Article Why?
Biomolecular condensates: organizers of cellular biochemistry.Academic Article Why?
Hepatitis C infection in potential recipients with normal liver biochemistry does not preclude renal transplantation.Academic Article Why?
Natural selection, protein engineering, and the last riboorganism: rational model building in biochemistry.Academic Article Why?
Quantitative Imaging of Biochemistry in Situ and at the Nanoscale.Academic Article Why?
The Varkud Satellite Ribozyme: A Thirty-Year Journey through Biochemistry, Crystallography, and Computation.Academic Article Why?
Toward a comparative biochemistry of the cytochromes.Academic Article Why?
Biochemistry. How proteins fold.Academic Article Why?
Biochemistry. New role for transfer RNA.Academic Article Why?
Biochemistry. Signaling across the cell membrane.Academic Article Why?
Biochemistry. Toward understanding self-splicing.Academic Article Why?
Evolutionary biochemistry: revealing the historical and physical causes of protein properties.Academic Article Why?
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