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Search Results (665)

Intracranial EEG substrates of scalp EEG interictal spikes.Academic Article Why?
Evaluating an Interdisciplinary EEG Initiative on In-Training Examination EEG-Related Item Scores for Anesthesiology Residents.Academic Article Why?
Frequency of EEG abnormalities in age-matched siblings of autistic children with abnormal sleep EEG patterns.Academic Article Why?
A standardized nomenclature for spectrogram EEG patterns: Inter-rater agreement and correspondence with common intensive care unit EEG patterns.Academic Article Why?
Advances in spike localization with EEG dipole modeling.Academic Article Why?
Evaluation of ambulatory cassette EEG monitoring: III. Diagnostic accuracy compared to intensive inpatient EEG monitoring.Academic Article Why?
The first-hour-of-the-day sleep EEG reliably identifies interictal epileptiform discharges during long-term video-EEG monitoring.Academic Article Why?
Ambulatory cassette EEG in clinical practice.Academic Article Why?
Ambulatory cassette EEG.Academic Article Why?
Ambulatory EEG: telemetered and cassette-recorded.Academic Article Why?
Automated Detection of Postictal Generalized EEG Suppression.Academic Article Why?
Cortical substrates of scalp EEG epileptiform discharges.Academic Article Why?
Cross validation for selection of cortical interaction models from scalp EEG or MEG.Academic Article Why?
Decoding chromaticity and luminance from patterns of EEG activity.Academic Article Why?
EEG distinguishes heroic narratives in ISIS online video propaganda.Academic Article Why?
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