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Search Results (185)

Screening for oral cancer-a perspective from the Global Oral Cancer Forum.Academic Article Why?
Lingen, Mark W.Person Why?
Agrawal, NishantPerson Why?
Erlotinib and the Risk of Oral Cancer: The Erlotinib Prevention of Oral Cancer (EPOC) Randomized Clinical Trial.Academic Article Why?
Knowledge and awareness of oral cancer patients regarding its etiology, prevention, and treatment.Academic Article Why?
Angiogenesis in oral cancer.Academic Article Why?
Met Receptor Tyrosine Kinase and Chemoprevention of Oral Cancer.Academic Article Why?
Prevalidation of salivary biomarkers for oral cancer detection.Academic Article Why?
Understanding the biology of oral cancer and chemoprevention.Academic Article Why?
Bimodal optical diagnostics of oral cancer based on Rose Bengal conjugated gold nanorod platform.Academic Article Why?
Critical evaluation of diagnostic aids for the detection of oral cancer.Academic Article Why?
Diagnostic tests for oral cancer and potentially malignant disorders in patients presenting with clinically evident lesions.Academic Article Why?
Diagnostic tests for oral cancer and potentially malignant disorders in patients presenting with clinically evident lesions.Academic Article Why?
Direct-to-consumer advertising for oral cancer screening devices.Academic Article Why?
Improving translational research for oral cancer screening aids: putting my "money" where my mouth is.Academic Article Why?
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