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Search Results (493)

Hansel, Christian R.Person Why?
Clathrin and synaptic vesicle endocytosis: studies at the squid giant synapse.Academic Article Why?
Neuroligin-1 performs neurexin-dependent and neurexin-independent functions in synapse validation.Academic Article Why?
Proteasome-independent polyubiquitin linkage regulates synapse scaffolding, efficacy, and plasticity.Academic Article Why?
Synapse-specific protein kinase C activation enhances maintenance of long-term potentiation in rat hippocampus.Academic Article Why?
Teneurins and latrophilins: two giants meet at the synapse.Academic Article Why?
Actin depletion initiates events leading to granule secretion at the immunological synapse.Academic Article Why?
Alternative splicing controls teneurin-latrophilin interaction and synapse specificity by a shape-shifting mechanism.Academic Article Why?
Direct visualization of trans-synaptic neurexin-neuroligin interactions during synapse formation.Academic Article Why?
Structural and Functional Synaptic Plasticity Induced by Convergent Synapse Loss in the Drosophila Neuromuscular Circuit.Academic Article Why?
Structural Basis for Teneurin Function in Circuit-Wiring: A Toxin Motif at the Synapse.Academic Article Why?
Synapse elimination and plasticity in developing human cerebral cortex.Academic Article Why?
Synaptogenesis in human visual cortex--evidence for synapse elimination during normal development.Academic Article Why?
The synaptic adhesion molecule SynCAM 1 contributes to cocaine effects on synapse structure and psychostimulant behavior.Academic Article Why?
Structural dynamics of synapses in living animals.Academic Article Why?
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