T. Conrad Gilliam to Humans
This is a "connection" page, showing publications T. Conrad Gilliam has written about Humans.
Connection Strength
DRD2 C957T polymorphism interacts with the COMT Val158Met polymorphism in human working memory ability. Schizophr Res. 2007 Feb; 90(1-3):104-7.
Score: 0.009
Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium identified genotyping error of the serotonin transporter (SLC6A4) promoter polymorphism. Psychiatr Genet. 2006 Feb; 16(1):31-4.
Score: 0.009
Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) genotypes and working memory: associations with differing cognitive operations. Biol Psychiatry. 2005 Dec 01; 58(11):901-7.
Score: 0.008
Population-based study of SR-BI genetic variation and lipid profile. Atherosclerosis. 2004 Jul; 175(1):159-68.
Score: 0.008
Bioinformatic analysis of autism positional candidate genes using biological databases and computational gene network prediction. Genes Brain Behav. 2003 Oct; 2(5):303-20.
Score: 0.007
Association of extreme blood lipid profile phenotypic variation with 11 reverse cholesterol transport genes and 10 non-genetic cardiovascular disease risk factors. Hum Mol Genet. 2003 Nov 01; 12(21):2733-43.
Score: 0.007
Optimal step length EM algorithm (OSLEM) for the estimation of haplotype frequency and its application in lipoprotein lipase genotyping. BMC Bioinformatics. 2003 Jan 15; 4:3.
Score: 0.007
Mutations in LGI1 cause autosomal-dominant partial epilepsy with auditory features. Nat Genet. 2002 Mar; 30(3):335-41.
Score: 0.006
Changing the landscape of autism research: the autism genetic resource exchange. Neuron. 2010 Oct 21; 68(2):187-91.
Score: 0.006
Mapping complex traits in diseases of the hair and skin. Exp Dermatol. 1999 Dec; 8(6):439-52.
Score: 0.006
Characterization of the interaction between the Wilson and Menkes disease proteins and the cytoplasmic copper chaperone, HAH1p. J Biol Chem. 1999 Oct 01; 274(40):28497-504.
Score: 0.006
Exploring the functional impact of alternative splicing on human protein isoforms using available annotation sources. Brief Bioinform. 2019 09 27; 20(5):1754-1768.
Score: 0.006
Results of a genome-wide genetic screen for panic disorder. Am J Med Genet. 1998 Mar 28; 81(2):139-47.
Score: 0.005
Chemokine expression in the early response to injury in human airway epithelial cells. PLoS One. 2018; 13(3):e0193334.
Score: 0.005
Arm tremor secondary to Wilson's disease. Mov Disord. 1998 Mar; 13(2):351-3.
Score: 0.005
TULP1 mutation in two extended Dominican kindreds with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa. Nat Genet. 1998 Feb; 18(2):177-9.
Score: 0.005
High-resolution mapping and transcript identification at the progressive epilepsy with mental retardation locus on chromosome 8p. Genome Res. 1997 Sep; 7(9):887-96.
Score: 0.005
Extensive DNA deletion associated with severe disease alleles on spinal muscular atrophy homologues. Ann Neurol. 1997 Jul; 42(1):41-9.
Score: 0.005
Genetic and physical mapping of the progressive epilepsy with mental retardation (EPMR) locus on chromosome 8p. Genome Res. 1996 May; 6(5):351-60.
Score: 0.004
Characterization of survival motor neuron (SMNT) gene deletions in asymptomatic carriers of spinal muscular atrophy. Hum Mol Genet. 1996 Mar; 5(3):359-65.
Score: 0.004
Lynx: a knowledge base and an analytical workbench for integrative medicine. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan 04; 44(D1):D882-7.
Score: 0.004
Disease gene prioritization using network and feature. J Comput Biol. 2015 Apr; 22(4):313-23.
Score: 0.004
Autosomal dominant distal spinal muscular atrophy in four generations. Neurology. 1995 Apr; 45(4):699-704.
Score: 0.004
Is the spinal muscular atrophy gene found? Nat Med. 1995 Feb; 1(2):124-7.
Score: 0.004
Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype analysis among Polish families with spinal muscular atrophy. Am J Hum Genet. 1995 Jan; 56(1):210-5.
Score: 0.004
An integrative computational approach for prioritization of genomic variants. PLoS One. 2014; 9(12):e114903.
Score: 0.004
Genetic disorders of copper metabolism. Curr Opin Pediatr. 1994 Dec; 6(6):698-701.
Score: 0.004
Characterization of the Wilson disease gene encoding a P-type copper transporting ATPase: genomic organization, alternative splicing, and structure/function predictions. Hum Mol Genet. 1994 Sep; 3(9):1647-56.
Score: 0.004
Lynx web services for annotations and systems analysis of multi-gene disorders. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jul; 42(Web Server issue):W473-7.
Score: 0.004
High-throughput translational medicine: challenges and solutions. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2014; 799:39-67.
Score: 0.004
Lynx: a database and knowledge extraction engine for integrative medicine. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jan; 42(Database issue):D1007-12.
Score: 0.004
Progress toward cloning of the gene responsible for childhood spinal muscular atrophy. Semin Neurol. 1993 Sep; 13(3):276-82.
Score: 0.004
Refinement of the spinal muscular atrophy locus to the interval between D5S435 and MAP1B. Genomics. 1993 Feb; 15(2):365-71.
Score: 0.003
A microsatellite genetic linkage map of human chromosome 18. Genomics. 1993 Jan; 15(1):48-56.
Score: 0.003
Mapping psychiatric disease genes: impact of new molecular strategies. J Psychiatr Res. 1992 Oct; 26(4):309-26.
Score: 0.003
Perils of gene mapping with microsatellite markers. Am J Hum Genet. 1992 Oct; 51(4):905-9.
Score: 0.003
Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism at the D1S182 locus. Hum Mol Genet. 1992 Sep; 1(6):454.
Score: 0.003
Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism at the D19S206 locus. Hum Mol Genet. 1992 Sep; 1(6):454.
Score: 0.003
Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism at the D4S251 locus. Hum Mol Genet. 1992 Aug; 1(5):349.
Score: 0.003
Spinal muscular atrophy is not the result of mutations at the beta-hexosaminidase or GM2-activator locus. Neurology. 1991 Sep; 41(9):1418-22.
Score: 0.003
Genetic mapping of "Lubag" (X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism) in a Filipino kindred to the pericentromeric region of the X chromosome. Ann Neurol. 1991 Feb; 29(2):124-31.
Score: 0.003
Genetic analysis of childhood-onset spinal muscular atrophy. Adv Neurol. 1991; 56:181-7.
Score: 0.003
Fine mapping of candidate regions for bipolar disorder provides strong evidence for susceptibility loci on chromosomes 7q. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2011 Mar; 156(2):168-76.
Score: 0.003
Genetic homogeneity between acute and chronic forms of spinal muscular atrophy. Nature. 1990 Jun 28; 345(6278):823-5.
Score: 0.003
Deletion mapping of DNA markers to a region of chromosome 5 that cosegregates with schizophrenia. Genomics. 1989 Nov; 5(4):940-4.
Score: 0.003
Physical mapping, linkage analysis of a putative schizophrenia locus on chromosome 5q. Schizophr Bull. 1989; 15(3):441-52.
Score: 0.003
Mapping of D4S98/S114/S113 confines the Huntington's defect to a reduced physical region at the telomere of chromosome 4. Nucleic Acids Res. 1988 Dec 23; 16(24):11769-80.
Score: 0.003
Panic disorder is associated with the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) but not the promoter region (5-HTTLPR). Mol Psychiatry. 2010 Feb; 15(2):166-76.
Score: 0.003
Genetic-linkage mapping of complex hereditary disorders to a whole-genome molecular-interaction network. Genome Res. 2008 Jul; 18(7):1150-62.
Score: 0.002
Novel submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities detected in autism spectrum disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 2008 Jun 15; 63(12):1111-7.
Score: 0.002
Molecular genetic strategies to investigate Huntington's disease. Adv Neurol. 1988; 48:17-29.
Score: 0.002
Recurrent 16p11.2 microdeletions in autism. Hum Mol Genet. 2008 Feb 15; 17(4):628-38.
Score: 0.002
A DNA segment encoding two genes very tightly linked to Huntington's disease. Science. 1987 Nov 13; 238(4829):950-2.
Score: 0.002
Localization of the Huntington's disease gene to a small segment of chromosome 4 flanked by D4S10 and the telomere. Cell. 1987 Aug 14; 50(4):565-71.
Score: 0.002
Strong association of de novo copy number mutations with autism. Science. 2007 Apr 20; 316(5823):445-9.
Score: 0.002
Isolation of polymorphic DNA fragments from human chromosome 4. Nucleic Acids Res. 1987 Feb 25; 15(4):1445-58.
Score: 0.002
Mapping autism risk loci using genetic linkage and chromosomal rearrangements. Nat Genet. 2007 Mar; 39(3):319-28.
Score: 0.002
Genomewide scan for linkage reveals evidence of several susceptibility loci for alopecia areata. Am J Hum Genet. 2007 Feb; 80(2):316-28.
Score: 0.002
Genome-wide linkage scan in a large bipolar disorder sample from the National Institute of Mental Health genetics initiative suggests putative loci for bipolar disorder, psychosis, suicide, and panic disorder. Mol Psychiatry. 2006 Mar; 11(3):252-60.
Score: 0.002
Psychosis and the genetic spectrum of bipolar disorder: evidence from linkage analysis. Mol Psychiatry. 2006 Jan; 11(1):3-5.
Score: 0.002
Combined analysis from eleven linkage studies of bipolar disorder provides strong evidence of susceptibility loci on chromosomes 6q and 8q. Am J Hum Genet. 2005 Oct; 77(4):582-95.
Score: 0.002
Quantitative genome scan and Ordered-Subsets Analysis of autism endophenotypes support language QTLs. Mol Psychiatry. 2005 Aug; 10(8):747-57.
Score: 0.002
Absence of psychosis may influence linkage results for bipolar disorder. Mol Psychiatry. 2005 Mar; 10(3):235-7.
Score: 0.002
Linkage analysis of psychosis in bipolar pedigrees suggests novel putative loci for bipolar disorder and shared susceptibility with schizophrenia. Mol Psychiatry. 2004 Dec; 9(12):1091-9.
Score: 0.002
Molecular triangulation: bridging linkage and molecular-network information for identifying candidate genes in Alzheimer's disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Oct 19; 101(42):15148-53.
Score: 0.002
Evidence for sex-specific risk alleles in autism spectrum disorder. Am J Hum Genet. 2004 Dec; 75(6):1117-23.
Score: 0.002
Screen for expanded FMR1 alleles in patients with essential tremor. Mov Disord. 2004 Aug; 19(8):930-3.
Score: 0.002
Large-scale copy number polymorphism in the human genome. Science. 2004 Jul 23; 305(5683):525-8.
Score: 0.002
LGI1 mutations in autosomal dominant partial epilepsy with auditory features. Neurology. 2004 Apr 13; 62(7):1120-6.
Score: 0.002
The positions of three restriction fragment length polymorphisms on chromosome 4 relative to known genetic markers. Hum Genet. 1984; 68(2):154-8.
Score: 0.002
Cloning of the breakpoints of a de novo inversion of chromosome 8, inv (8)(p11.2q23.1) in a patient with Ambras syndrome. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2004; 107(1-2):68-76.
Score: 0.002
Identification of a locus for type I punctate palmoplantar keratoderma on chromosome 15q22-q24. J Med Genet. 2003 Dec; 40(12):872-8.
Score: 0.002
A genomewide screen of 345 families for autism-susceptibility loci. Am J Hum Genet. 2003 Oct; 73(4):886-97.
Score: 0.002
Genome scan meta-analysis of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, part III: Bipolar disorder. Am J Hum Genet. 2003 Jul; 73(1):49-62.
Score: 0.002
Association between lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene and blood lipids: a common variant for a common trait? Genet Epidemiol. 2003 May; 24(4):309-21.
Score: 0.002
Desmoglein 4 in hair follicle differentiation and epidermal adhesion: evidence from inherited hypotrichosis and acquired pemphigus vulgaris. Cell. 2003 Apr 18; 113(2):249-60.
Score: 0.002
Evidence for a putative bipolar disorder locus on 2p13-16 and other potential loci on 4q31, 7q34, 8q13, 9q31, 10q21-24, 13q32, 14q21 and 17q11-12. Mol Psychiatry. 2003 Mar; 8(3):333-42.
Score: 0.002
EB simplex superficialis resulting from a mutation in the type VII collagen gene. J Invest Dermatol. 2002 Mar; 118(3):547-9.
Score: 0.002
Four new families with autosomal dominant partial epilepsy with auditory features: clinical description and linkage to chromosome 10q24. Epilepsia. 2002 Jan; 43(1):60-7.
Score: 0.002
Evidence for a language quantitative trait locus on chromosome 7q in multiplex autism families. Am J Hum Genet. 2002 Jan; 70(1):60-71.
Score: 0.002
Genomewide linkage analysis of celiac disease in Finnish families. Am J Hum Genet. 2002 Jan; 70(1):51-9.
Score: 0.002
A genomewide screen for autism susceptibility loci. Am J Hum Genet. 2001 Aug; 69(2):327-40.
Score: 0.002
A follow-up linkage study supports evidence for a bipolar affective disorder locus on chromosome 21q22. Am J Med Genet. 2001 Mar 08; 105(2):189-94.
Score: 0.002
Positional cloning and characterisation of the human DLGAP2 gene and its exclusion in progressive epilepsy with mental retardation. Eur J Hum Genet. 2000 May; 8(5):381-4.
Score: 0.001
A novel missense mutation (C622G) in the zinc-finger domain of the human hairless gene associated with congenital atrichia with papular lesions. Exp Dermatol. 2000 Apr; 9(2):157-62.
Score: 0.001
The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses in human EPMR and mnd mutant mice are associated with mutations in CLN8. Nat Genet. 1999 Oct; 23(2):233-6.
Score: 0.001
Tubby-like protein 1 homozygous splice-site mutation causes early-onset severe retinal degeneration. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1999 Aug; 40(9):2106-14.
Score: 0.001
Cloning and genomic organization of beclin 1, a candidate tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 17q21. Genomics. 1999 Jul 01; 59(1):59-65.
Score: 0.001
A comprehensive linkage analysis of chromosome 21q22 supports prior evidence for a putative bipolar affective disorder locus. Am J Hum Genet. 1999 Jan; 64(1):210-7.
Score: 0.001
Differential SMN2 expression associated with SMA severity. Nat Genet. 1998 Nov; 20(3):230-1.
Score: 0.001
No evidence for significant linkage between bipolar affective disorder and chromosome 18 pericentromeric markers in a large series of multiplex extended pedigrees. Am J Hum Genet. 1998 Apr; 62(4):916-24.
Score: 0.001
Homozygosity and physical mapping of the autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa locus (RP14) on chromosome 6p21.3. Genomics. 1998 Mar 01; 48(2):171-7.
Score: 0.001
Heterologous expression of the metal-binding domains of human copper-transporting ATPases (P1-ATPases). Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1997 Nov 03; 834:155-7.
Score: 0.001
Two forms of Wilson disease protein produced by alternative splicing are localized in distinct cellular compartments. Biochem J. 1997 Sep 15; 326 ( Pt 3):897-902.
Score: 0.001
Identification and analysis of mutations in the Wilson disease gene (ATP7B): population frequencies, genotype-phenotype correlation, and functional analyses. Am J Hum Genet. 1997 Aug; 61(2):317-28.
Score: 0.001
A multicopy transcription-repair gene, BTF2p44, maps to the SMA region and demonstrates SMA associated deletions. Hum Mol Genet. 1997 Feb; 6(2):229-36.
Score: 0.001
An international symposium on Wilson's and Menkes' diseases. Hepatology. 1996 Oct; 24(4):952-8.
Score: 0.001
Chromosome 12-linked autosomal dominant scapuloperoneal muscular dystrophy. Ann Neurol. 1996 Apr; 39(4):507-20.
Score: 0.001
Fine genetic mapping of a gene for autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa on chromosome 6p21. Am J Hum Genet. 1995 Aug; 57(2):499-502.
Score: 0.001
Expressed cadherin pseudogenes are localized to the critical region of the spinal muscular atrophy gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1995 Apr 25; 92(9):3702-6.
Score: 0.001
Genetic alterations of microsatellites on chromosome 18 in human breast carcinoma. Diagn Mol Pathol. 1995 Mar; 4(1):66-72.
Score: 0.001
Bipolar disorder and linkage to Xq28. Nat Genet. 1994 Aug; 7(4):461-2.
Score: 0.001
Identification of a locus, distinct from RDS-peripherin, for autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa on chromosome 6p. Hum Mol Genet. 1994 Aug; 3(8):1401-3.
Score: 0.001
An investigation of genetic heterogeneity and linkage disequilibrium in 161 families with spinal muscular atrophy. Genomics. 1994 May 01; 21(1):27-33.
Score: 0.001
Linkage mapping of dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD) to chromosome 14q. Nat Genet. 1993 Dec; 5(4):386-91.
Score: 0.001
Assessment of nonallelic genetic heterogeneity of chronic (type II and III) spinal muscular atrophy. Hum Hered. 1993 Nov-Dec; 43(6):380-7.
Score: 0.001
Molecular and statistical approaches to the detection and correction of errors in genotype databases. Am J Hum Genet. 1993 Nov; 53(5):1137-45.
Score: 0.001
High resolution physical map of the region surrounding the spinal muscular atrophy gene. Hum Mol Genet. 1993 Aug; 2(8):1169-76.
Score: 0.001
A genetic linkage map of the chromosome 4 short arm. Somat Cell Mol Genet. 1993 Jan; 19(1):95-101.
Score: 0.001
Report of the first international workshop on human chromosome 18 mapping. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1993; 63(2):78-96.
Score: 0.001
A microsatellite genetic linkage map of human chromosome 13. Genomics. 1993 Jan; 15(1):76-85.
Score: 0.001
Linkage of Tunisian autosomal recessive Duchenne-like muscular dystrophy to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 13q. Nat Genet. 1992 Dec; 2(4):315-7.
Score: 0.001
Identification and localization of microsatellite markers covering human chromosome 18. Genomics. 1992 Dec; 14(4):1095-7.
Score: 0.001
Isolation and characterization of a highly polymorphic human locus (DXS455) in proximal Xq28. Genomics. 1992 Apr; 12(4):710-4.
Score: 0.001
Mapping of human microtubule-associated protein 1B in proximity to the spinal muscular atrophy locus at 5q13. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1991 Sep 01; 88(17):7873-6.
Score: 0.001
Report of a workshop on genetic linkage studies in schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull. 1990; 16(4):673-86.
Score: 0.001
A new DNA marker (D4S90) is located terminally on the short arm of chromosome 4, close to the Huntington disease gene. Genomics. 1989 Nov; 5(4):802-9.
Score: 0.001
Chromosome jumping from D4S10 (G8) toward the Huntington disease gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1988 Sep; 85(17):6437-41.
Score: 0.001
Pairwise linkage analysis of 11 loci on human chromosome 4. Am J Hum Genet. 1988 Mar; 42(3):490-7.
Score: 0.001
A somatic cell hybrid panel for localizing DNA segments near the Huntington's disease gene. Genomics. 1987 Sep; 1(1):29-34.
Score: 0.001
A human anonymous low copy number clone, 4c11 (D6S4), localized to 6p12-6p21, detects 2 RFLPs, one of which is moderately polymorphic. Nucleic Acids Res. 1987 Jul 24; 15(14):5902.
Score: 0.001
Molecular genetics of human chromosome 4. J Med Genet. 1986 Jun; 23(3):193-9.
Score: 0.001
Molecular genetics of Huntington's disease. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1986; 51 Pt 1:359-64.
Score: 0.001
Genetic linkage analysis of neurofibromatosis with DNA markers. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1986; 486:304-10.
Score: 0.001
Linkage studies between polymorphic markers on chromosome 4 and cystic fibrosis. Hum Genet. 1985; 69(3):250-4.
Score: 0.000
DNA markers for nervous system diseases. Science. 1984 Sep 21; 225(4668):1320-6.
Score: 0.000
The implications of genetic variation in human pathology. Biochem Soc Symp. 1984; 49:183-8.
Score: 0.000
Cystic fibrosis is not caused by a defect in the gene coding for human complement C3. Mol Biol Med. 1983 Sep; 1(2):185-90.
Score: 0.000