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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Gilliam, T. Conrad
Item TypeName
Concept Chromosome Mapping
Concept Physical Chromosome Mapping
Academic Article High resolution physical map of the region surrounding the spinal muscular atrophy gene.
Academic Article Genetic and physical mapping of the progressive epilepsy with mental retardation (EPMR) locus on chromosome 8p.
Academic Article High-resolution mapping and transcript identification at the progressive epilepsy with mental retardation locus on chromosome 8p.
Academic Article Identification and localization of microsatellite markers covering human chromosome 18.
Academic Article Homozygosity and physical mapping of the autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa locus (RP14) on chromosome 6p21.3.
Academic Article Desmoglein 4 in hair follicle differentiation and epidermal adhesion: evidence from inherited hypotrichosis and acquired pemphigus vulgaris.
Academic Article A genomewide screen of 345 families for autism-susceptibility loci.
Academic Article Evidence for sex-specific risk alleles in autism spectrum disorder.
Academic Article Gene expression differences in mice divergently selected for methamphetamine sensitivity.
Academic Article Mapping autism risk loci using genetic linkage and chromosomal rearrangements.
Academic Article Genomewide scan for linkage reveals evidence of several susceptibility loci for alopecia areata.
Academic Article Genetic-linkage mapping of complex hereditary disorders to a whole-genome molecular-interaction network.
Academic Article Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism at the D19S206 locus.
Academic Article Assessment of nonallelic genetic heterogeneity of chronic (type II and III) spinal muscular atrophy.
Academic Article Report of the first international workshop on human chromosome 18 mapping.
Academic Article Genetic alterations of microsatellites on chromosome 18 in human breast carcinoma.
Academic Article Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism at the D1S182 locus.
Academic Article A genomewide screen for autism susceptibility loci.
Academic Article Large-scale copy number polymorphism in the human genome.
Academic Article Fine genetic mapping of a gene for autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa on chromosome 6p21.
Academic Article Perils of gene mapping with microsatellite markers.
Academic Article Deletion mapping of DNA markers to a region of chromosome 5 that cosegregates with schizophrenia.
Academic Article Linkage of Tunisian autosomal recessive Duchenne-like muscular dystrophy to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 13q.
Academic Article Mapping psychiatric disease genes: impact of new molecular strategies.
Academic Article DNA markers for nervous system diseases.
Academic Article Expressed cadherin pseudogenes are localized to the critical region of the spinal muscular atrophy gene.
Academic Article Refinement of the spinal muscular atrophy locus to the interval between D5S435 and MAP1B.
Academic Article An investigation of genetic heterogeneity and linkage disequilibrium in 161 families with spinal muscular atrophy.
Academic Article A multicopy transcription-repair gene, BTF2p44, maps to the SMA region and demonstrates SMA associated deletions.
Academic Article Extensive DNA deletion associated with severe disease alleles on spinal muscular atrophy homologues.
Academic Article Identification of a locus for type I punctate palmoplantar keratoderma on chromosome 15q22-q24.
Academic Article The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses in human EPMR and mnd mutant mice are associated with mutations in CLN8.
Academic Article Positional cloning and characterisation of the human DLGAP2 gene and its exclusion in progressive epilepsy with mental retardation.
Academic Article Quantitative genome scan and Ordered-Subsets Analysis of autism endophenotypes support language QTLs.
Academic Article Mapping of human microtubule-associated protein 1B in proximity to the spinal muscular atrophy locus at 5q13.
Academic Article Characterization of the Wilson disease gene encoding a P-type copper transporting ATPase: genomic organization, alternative splicing, and structure/function predictions.
Academic Article Mutations in LGI1 cause autosomal-dominant partial epilepsy with auditory features.
Academic Article Genomewide linkage analysis of celiac disease in Finnish families.
Academic Article Mapping complex traits in diseases of the hair and skin.
Academic Article Linkage mapping of dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD) to chromosome 14q.
Academic Article Linkage studies between polymorphic markers on chromosome 4 and cystic fibrosis.
Academic Article The positions of three restriction fragment length polymorphisms on chromosome 4 relative to known genetic markers.
Academic Article Mapping of D4S98/S114/S113 confines the Huntington's defect to a reduced physical region at the telomere of chromosome 4.
Academic Article Molecular genetics of human chromosome 4.
Academic Article Molecular genetics of Huntington's disease.
Academic Article Genome-wide linkage scan in a large bipolar disorder sample from the National Institute of Mental Health genetics initiative suggests putative loci for bipolar disorder, psychosis, suicide, and panic disorder.
Academic Article A new DNA marker (D4S90) is located terminally on the short arm of chromosome 4, close to the Huntington disease gene.
Academic Article Fine mapping of candidate regions for bipolar disorder provides strong evidence for susceptibility loci on chromosomes 7q.
Academic Article Evidence for a language quantitative trait locus on chromosome 7q in multiplex autism families.
Academic Article A comprehensive linkage analysis of chromosome 21q22 supports prior evidence for a putative bipolar affective disorder locus.
Academic Article A somatic cell hybrid panel for localizing DNA segments near the Huntington's disease gene.
Academic Article Pairwise linkage analysis of 11 loci on human chromosome 4.
Academic Article Is the spinal muscular atrophy gene found?
Academic Article Progress toward cloning of the gene responsible for childhood spinal muscular atrophy.
Academic Article Isolation and characterization of a highly polymorphic human locus (DXS455) in proximal Xq28.
Academic Article Genetic analysis of childhood-onset spinal muscular atrophy.
Academic Article Genetic mapping of "Lubag" (X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism) in a Filipino kindred to the pericentromeric region of the X chromosome.
Academic Article Genetic homogeneity between acute and chronic forms of spinal muscular atrophy.
Academic Article Physical mapping, linkage analysis of a putative schizophrenia locus on chromosome 5q.
Academic Article Chromosome jumping from D4S10 (G8) toward the Huntington disease gene.
Academic Article Molecular genetic strategies to investigate Huntington's disease.
Search Criteria
  • Chromosome Mapping