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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Ross, Lainie
overview Carolyn and Matthew Bucksbaum Professor of Clinical Ethics Professor, Departments of Pediatrics, Medicine, Surgery and the College Co-Director, Institute for Translational Medicine Associate Director, MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics University of Chicago My areas of research include: ethical and policy issues in organ transplantation, pediatrics, genetics, and human subjects protections/research ethics. I am currently writing a book on sibling obligations in health care that is funded by the National Library of Medicine. Books Lainie Friedman Ross, Children, Families, and Health Care Decision-Making (Oxford University Press [UK], 1998). Lainie Friedman Ross, Children in Research: Access versus Protection (Oxford University Press [UK], 2006). Robert M Veatch and Lainie F. Ross, Transplantation Ethics, 2nd ed. (Georgetown University Press, 2015). Robert M Veatch and Lainie F Ross, Defining Death: The Case for Choice (Georgetown University Press, 2016) Lainie Friedman Ross and J. Richard Thistlethwaite Jr. The Living Donor as Patient: Theory and Practice (Oxford University Press [US], 2021 in press) AB 1982 Princeton University (School of Public and International Affairs) MD 1986: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Residency (1986-1989): Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (PGY-1 &2) Columbia University (PGY-3) M Phil 1992: Yale University (Philosophy) PhD 1996: Yale University (Philosophy)
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Ross, Lainie
Item TypeName
Concept Family
Concept Family Relations
Concept Nuclear Family
Concept Family Health
Concept Family Practice
Concept Professional-Family Relations
Academic Article Should all living donors be treated equally?
Academic Article Pediatricians are more supportive of the human papillomavirus vaccine than the general public.
Academic Article Moral grounding for the participation of children as organ donors.
Academic Article Attitudes and practices in postmortem organ procurement.
Academic Article Justice for children: the child as organ donor.
Academic Article Adolescent sexuality and public policy: a liberal response.
Academic Article Effect of family history on disclosure patterns of cystic fibrosis carrier status.
Academic Article Why "doctor, if this were your child, what would you do?" deserves an answer.
Academic Article Donating a second kidney: a tale of family and ethics.
Academic Article Disclosing misattributed paternity.
Academic Article Professional and personal attitudes about access and confidentiality in the genetic testing of children: a pilot study.
Academic Article Do genetic relationships create moral obligations in organ transplantation?
Academic Article Should a PVS patient be a live organ donor?
Academic Article Pediatric bioethics: reintroducing the parents.
Academic Article Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: a paradigm case for examining conscientious objection in pediatric practice.
Academic Article Disclosing the diagnosis of HIV in pediatrics.
Academic Article Ethical issues in identifying and recruiting participants for familial genetic research.
Academic Article A descriptive and moral evaluation of providing informal medical care to one's own children.
Academic Article Ethical and policy lessons to be learned from a family with inherited bone marrow failure.
Academic Article Adolescent autonomy in health care?
Academic Article Relational autonomy: moving beyond the limits of isolated individualism.
Academic Article Communicating with parents about immunization safety: messages for pediatricians in the IOM report "the childhood immunization schedule and safety: stakeholder concerns, scientific evidence, and future studies".
Academic Article When the living and the deceased cannot agree on organ donation: a survey of US organ procurement organizations (OPOs).
Academic Article Theory and Practice of Pediatric Bioethics.
Academic Article Unspoken ambivalence in kinship obligation in living donation.
Academic Article Ethical Issues Raised by the Media Portrayal of Adolescent Transplant Refusals.
Academic Article The Ethical Limits of Children's Participation in Clinical Research.
Academic Article 50 Years Ago in TheJournalofPediatrics: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Contextualized.
Academic Article Diagnosis, treatment and disclosure: A qualitative exploration of participant challenges in a Monogenic Diabetes Registry.
Grant Sibling Obligations in Health Care
Grant Ethical Issues in Living Donor Transplantation
Academic Article The Philosophical Underpinning of the Family for Pediatric Decision-Making.
Academic Article Medical Decision-Making for Children in Families with Siblings: parental discretion and its limits.
Search Criteria
  • Family