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Search Results (921)

Studies on the metabolism of photosynthetic bacteria; photochemical production of molecular hydrogen by growing cultures of photosynthetic bacteria.Academic Article Why?
Pamer, EricPerson Why?
Missiakas, DominiquePerson Why?
Assembly of pili in Gram-positive bacteria.Academic Article Why?
Bacteria make tracks to the pole.Academic Article Why?
Butyrate-producing gut bacteria and viral infections in kidney transplant recipients: A pilot study.Academic Article Why?
Cell wall sorting signals in surface proteins of gram-positive bacteria.Academic Article Why?
Characterizing both bacteria and fungi improves understanding of the Arabidopsis root microbiome.Academic Article Why?
Commensal bacteria mediated defenses against pathogens.Academic Article Why?
Commensal bacteria protect against food allergen sensitization.Academic Article Why?
Contributions of intestinal bacteria to nutrition and metabolism in the critically ill.Academic Article Why?
Diversity of bacteria at healthy human conjunctiva.Academic Article Why?
Dual role of commensal bacteria in viral infections.Academic Article Why?
Effect of media on transport and recovery of anaerobic bacteria.Academic Article Why?
Enzymatic activities affecting cytochromes in photosynthetic bacteria.Academic Article Why?
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