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Analysis and minimization of overtraining effect in rule-based classifiers for computer-aided diagnosis.Academic Article Why?
Computer-aided diagnosis and artificial intelligence in clinical imaging.Academic Article Why?
Neural Networks (Computer)Concept Why?
Transfer Learning From Convolutional Neural Networks for Computer-Aided Diagnosis: A Comparison of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Full-Field Digital Mammography.Academic Article Why?
Massive-training artificial neural network (MTANN) for reduction of false positives in computer-aided detection of polyps: Suppression of rectal tubes.Academic Article Why?
A deep feature fusion methodology for breast cancer diagnosis demonstrated on three imaging modality datasets.Academic Article Why?
CT Super-Resolution GAN Constrained by the Identical, Residual, and Cycle Learning Ensemble (GAN-CIRCLE).Academic Article Why?
Computerized detection of clustered microcalcifications in digital mammograms: applications of artificial neural networks.Academic Article Why?
Effect of dominant features on neural network performance in the classification of mammographic lesions.Academic Article Why?
Detection of lung nodules in digital chest radiographs using artificial neural networks: a pilot study.Academic Article Why?
Simulation studies of data classification by artificial neural networks: potential applications in medical imaging and decision making.Academic Article Why?
Third-order motifs are sufficient to fully and uniquely characterize spatiotemporal neural network activity.Academic Article Why?
Dynamic state and parameter estimation applied to neuromorphic systems.Academic Article Why?
Uncertainty in the output of artificial neural networks.Academic Article Why?
Artificial neural networks in mammography: application to decision making in the diagnosis of breast cancer.Academic Article Why?
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