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Search Results (2190)

Tu, FrankPerson Why?
Hellman, KevinPerson Why?
Novel Pelvic Floor Pain Measures to Enhance Female Pelvic Pain EvaluationGrant Why?
Increased pressure pain sensitivity in women with chronic pelvic pain.Academic Article Why?
Making sense of aches and pains.Academic Article Why?
AAAPT Diagnostic Criteria for Acute Low Back Pain with and Without Lower Extremity Pain.Academic Article Why?
Comparative measurement of pelvic floor pain sensitivity in chronic pelvic pain.Academic Article Why?
Presence of endometriosis and chronic overlapping pain conditions negatively impacts the pain experience in women with chronic pelvic-abdominal pain: A cross-sectional survey.Academic Article Why?
Neural correlates of deficits in pain-related affective meaning construction in patients with chronic pain disorder.Academic Article Why?
Anitescu, MagdalenaPerson Why?
Prior exposure to extreme pain alters neural response to pain in others.Academic Article Why?
Somatosensation in OA: exploring the relationships of pain sensitization, vibratory perception and spontaneous pain.Academic Article Why?
Parisien, MarcPerson Why?
Physical therapy for chronic scrotal content pain with associated pelvic floor pain on digital rectal exam.Academic Article Why?
Griffith, JamesPerson Why?
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