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Search Results (216)

Cellular basis of tissue regeneration by omentum.Academic Article Why?
Engineering the regenerative microenvironment with biomaterials.Academic Article Why?
A collagen-poly(lactic acid-co-?-caprolactone) hybrid scaffold for bladder tissue regeneration.Academic Article Why?
Salamanders: The molecular basis of tissue regeneration and its relevance to human disease.Academic Article Why?
Stem cell-driven lymphatic remodeling coordinates tissue regeneration.Academic Article Why?
Synthetic matrix metalloproteinase-sensitive hydrogels for the conduction of tissue regeneration: engineering cell-invasion characteristics.Academic Article Why?
Brg1 governs a positive feedback circuit in the hair follicle for tissue regeneration and repair.Academic Article Why?
A Bioinspired Scaffold with Anti-Inflammatory Magnesium Hydroxide and Decellularized Extracellular Matrix for Renal Tissue Regeneration.Academic Article Why?
Guided Tissue RegenerationConcept Why?
Guided Tissue Regeneration, PeriodontalConcept Why?
In Situ Myocardial Regeneration With Tissue Engineered Cardiac Patch Using Spheroid-Based 3-Dimensional Tissue.Academic Article Why?
Tissue-engineered vascular grafts form neovessels that arise from regeneration of the adjacent blood vessel.Academic Article Why?
Multifaceted signaling regulators of chondrogenesis: Implications in cartilage regeneration and tissue engineering.Academic Article Why?
A novel model of urinary tract differentiation, tissue regeneration, and disease: reprogramming human prostate and bladder cells into induced pluripotent stem cells.Academic Article Why?
Regeneration: From cells to tissues to organisms.Academic Article Why?
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