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Search Results (173)

Pinto, Jayant M.Person Why?
Genome-wide Meta-analysis on the Sense of Smell Among US Older Adults.Academic Article Why?
McClintock, MarthaPerson Why?
Olfaction: anatomy, physiology, and disease.Academic Article Why?
Polygenic risk score for Parkinson's disease and olfaction among middle-aged to older women.Academic Article Why?
Olfaction and kidney function in community-dwelling older adults.Academic Article Why?
Olfaction in pregnancy: systematic review and meta-analysis.Academic Article Why?
Olfaction Is Associated With Sexual Motivation and Satisfaction in Older Men and Women.Academic Article Why?
Olfaction.Academic Article Why?
Relationship Between Poor Olfaction and Mortality Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Cohort Study.Academic Article Why?
Self-Reported Versus Objectively Assessed Olfaction and Parkinson's Disease Risk.Academic Article Why?
Sleep and Olfaction among Older Adults.Academic Article Why?
Effects of Ambient Air Pollution Exposure on Olfaction: A Review.Academic Article Why?
Experience-dependent neural integration of taste and smell in the human brain.Academic Article Why?
Fe, fi, fo, fum, I smell the diet of a healthy human.Academic Article Why?
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