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Search Results (68)

Mesh complications after total vs supracervical laparoscopic hysterectomy at time of minimally invasive sacrocolpopexy.Academic Article Why?
Technique and complications of reconstruction of the pelvic floor with polyglactin mesh.Academic Article Why?
Kenton, KimberlyPerson Why?
Mueller, MargaretPerson Why?
Letko, JurajPerson Why?
Safety of Mesh for Vaginal Cystocele Repair: Analysis of National Patient Characteristics and Complications.Academic Article Why?
Complications requiring reoperation following vaginal mesh kit procedures for prolapse.Academic Article Why?
Long-Term Mesh Exposure 5 Years Following Minimally Invasive Total Hysterectomy and Sacrocolpopexy.Academic Article Why?
Polypropylene mesh for hernia repair following transplantation.Academic Article Why?
Is there an increased risk of the vas deferens occlusion after mesh inguinal hernioplasty and what can we do about it?Academic Article Why?
Prospective evaluation of poly-4-hydroxybutyrate mesh in CDC class I/high-risk ventral and incisional hernia repair: 18-month follow-up.Academic Article Why?
A midurethral sling to reduce incontinence after vaginal prolapse repair.Academic Article Why?
CT findings after laparoscopic repair of ventral hernia.Academic Article Why?
Predictors for recurrence after open umbilical hernia repair in 979 patients.Academic Article Why?
An International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) / International Continence Society (ICS) joint terminology and classification of the complications related directly to the insertion of prostheses (meshes, implants, tapes) & grafts in female pelvic floor surgery.Academic Article Why?
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