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Search Results (69)

Antigen stimulation of TH2 cells augments acute bacterial sinusitis in mice.Academic Article Why?
Expression and function of CTLA-4 in Th1 and Th2 cells.Academic Article Why?
ICOS costimulation: It's not just for TH2 cells anymore.Academic Article Why?
Production of TH1 and TH2 cell lines and clones.Academic Article Why?
Sperling, Anne I.Person Why?
Tet1 activity and function in helper T cellsGrant Why?
Antigen-reactive cloned helper T cells. I. Unresponsiveness to antigenic restimulation develops after stimulation of cloned helper T cells.Academic Article Why?
B-cell transplants to immunodeficient xid neonates do not imprint their helper T cells.Academic Article Why?
Distinct roles of interleukin-17 and T helper 17 cells among autoimmune diseases.Academic Article Why?
Interleukin 2 inhibits antigen-stimulated lymphokine synthesis in helper T cells by inhibiting calcium-dependent signalling.Academic Article Why?
Interleukin-2 differentially regulates IL-2 receptors on murine cloned cytolytic and helper T cells.Academic Article Why?
Th2 CellsConcept Why?
Functional expression of the TrkC gene, encoding a high affinity receptor for NT-3, in antigen-specific T helper type 2 (Th2) cells.Academic Article Why?
Inducible costimulator expression regulates the magnitude of Th2-mediated airway inflammation by regulating the number of Th2 cells.Academic Article Why?
Antigen-reactive cloned helper T cells. II. Exposure of murine cloned helper T cells to IL 2-containing supernatant induces unresponsiveness to antigenic restimulation and inhibits lymphokine production after antigenic stimulation.Academic Article Why?
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