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Search Results (64)

How global are olfactory bulb oscillations?Academic Article Why?
Influence of the olfactory bulbs on blood leukocytes and behavioral responses to infection in Siberian hamsters.Academic Article Why?
Timescale-dependent shaping of correlation by olfactory bulb lateral inhibition.Academic Article Why?
Biophysical model for gamma rhythms in the olfactory bulb via subthreshold oscillations.Academic Article Why?
Olfactory bulb gamma oscillations are enhanced with task demands.Academic Article Why?
Olfactory cortex and Olfactory bulb volume alterations in patients with post-infectious Olfactory loss.Academic Article Why?
Pharmacological manipulation of the olfactory bulb modulates beta oscillations: testing model predictions.Academic Article Why?
Calcium influx through NMDA receptors directly evokes GABA release in olfactory bulb granule cells.Academic Article Why?
Genetic Induction of the Olfactory Bulb and Regulation of Olfactory Axon Guidepost CellsGrant Why?
The olfactory bulb theta rhythm follows all frequencies of diaphragmatic respiration in the freely behaving rat.Academic Article Why?
Olfactory BulbConcept Why?
Directional coupling from the olfactory bulb to the hippocampus during a go/no-go odor discrimination task.Academic Article Why?
Disruption of GABA(A) receptors on GABAergic interneurons leads to increased oscillatory power in the olfactory bulb network.Academic Article Why?
Granule cell excitability regulates gamma and beta oscillations in a model of the olfactory bulb dendrodendritic microcircuit.Academic Article Why?
Odor identity can be extracted from the reciprocal connectivity between olfactory bulb and piriform cortex in humans.Academic Article Why?
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