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Search Results (387)

Stulberg, Debra BPerson Why?
Centers for medicare and medicaid services medicare data and stroke research: goldmine or landmine?Academic Article Why?
Medicaid home- and community-based services and discharge from skilled nursing facilities.Academic Article Why?
Advancing health equity through partnerships of state Medicaid agencies, Medicaid managed care organizations, and health care delivery organizations.Academic Article Why?
A national assessment of legacy versus new generation Medicaid data.Academic Article Why?
Addiction Treatment Capacity in Health Centers: The Role of Medicaid Reimbursement and Targeted Grant Funding.Academic Article Why?
Adding injury to injury: ethical implications of the Medicaid sterilization consent regulations.Academic Article Why?
End-of-Life Medical Costs of Medicaid Cancer Patients.Academic Article Why?
Enrollee Premiums in Medicaid - Insights from Michigan.Academic Article Why?
Estimating the Impact of Medicaid Expansion and Federal Funding Cuts on FQHC Staffing and Patient Capacity.Academic Article Why?
Home Health Care Utilization in Children With Medicaid.Academic Article Why?
Medicaid Managed Care Structures and Care Coordination.Academic Article Why?
Medicaid managed care: how do community health centers fit?Academic Article Why?
Our flawed but beneficial Medicaid program.Academic Article Why?
Provider and community stakeholder perspectives of expanding Medicaid coverage of abortion in Illinois.Academic Article Why?
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