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Search Results (164)

Stress conditioning: a novel approach to organ preservation.Academic Article Why?
Concurrent chemotherapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy for organ preservation of locoregionally advanced oral cavity cancer.Academic Article Why?
Coding the Dead: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Organ Preservation.Academic Article Why?
Organ Preservation in Patients With Rectal Adenocarcinoma Treated With Total Neoadjuvant Therapy.Academic Article Why?
Functional organ preservation with definitive chemoradiotherapy for T4 laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma.Academic Article Why?
Organ preservation for advanced head and neck cancer concomitant chemoradiation.Academic Article Why?
Organ Preservation With Definitive Chemoradiotherapy for T4 Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Academic Article Why?
Swallowing function following multispecialty organ preservation treatment of advanced head and neck-cancer.Academic Article Why?
Transoral endoscopic inner layer esophagectomy: management of high-grade dysplasia and superficial cancer with organ preservation.Academic Article Why?
Workshop report: organ preservation strategies in advanced head and neck cancer--current status and future directions.Academic Article Why?
Organ PreservationConcept Why?
Organ Preservation SolutionsConcept Why?
[Preservation of donor livers with University of Wisconsin solution].Academic Article Why?
Cardiac transplantation after prolonged graft preservation with the University of Wisconsin solution.Academic Article Why?
Comparison of Eurocollins and University of Wisconsin solution in single flush preservation of the ischemic reperfused lung: an in vivo rabbit model.Academic Article Why?
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