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Search Results (916)

The risk of birth defects in multiple births: a population-based study.Academic Article Why?
Earing, MichaelPerson Why?
Ghanayem, NancyPerson Why?
Vricella, LucaPerson Why?
Hibino, NarutoshiPerson Why?
A 26-year review of pectus deformity repairs, including simultaneous intracardiac repair.Academic Article Why?
[On plastic repair of extensive congenital defects of the diaphragm].Academic Article Why?
Acute adrenal insufficiency due to congenital defect.Academic Article Why?
Next generation sequencing in research and diagnostics of ocular birth defects.Academic Article Why?
A Heterochronic Model for Birth Defects in Down SyndromeGrant Why?
A heterochronic model for birth defects in Down SyndromeGrant Why?
Congenital AbnormalitiesConcept Why?
Heart Defects, CongenitalConcept Why?
Cook obstetrics and gynecology catheter multicenter chorionic villus sampling trial: comparison of birth defects with expected rates.Academic Article Why?
Moskowitz, IvanPerson Why?
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