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Search Results (1122)

State of immunosuppressive agents in organ transplantation.Academic Article Why?
Effects of leflunomide and other immunosuppressive agents on T cell proliferation in vitro.Academic Article Why?
Telaprevir, boceprevir, cytochrome P450 and immunosuppressive agents--a potentially lethal cocktail.Academic Article Why?
The risk of lymphoma in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease with immunosuppressive agents.Academic Article Why?
Hanauer, StephenPerson Why?
Effect of immunosuppressants tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil on the keratinocyte UVB response.Academic Article Why?
Rubin, David T.Person Why?
Chong, Anita S.Person Why?
Immunosuppressive AgentsConcept Why?
Fung, JohnPerson Why?
Impact of steroid-sparing immunosuppressive agents on tumor outcome in the context of cancer immunotherapy with highlight on melanoma: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis.Academic Article Why?
Bhorade, SangeetaPerson Why?
Conventional treatment in inflammatory bowel disease--recent trends. Immunosuppressants and biologic agents: should they or need they be used together? How to use immunosuppressive therapy better (and safer) tomorrow?Academic Article Why?
Josephson, Michelle A.Person Why?
Reder, Anthony T.Person Why?
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  • Immunosuppressive Agents
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