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Search Results (471)

Rinella, MaryPerson Why?
Bile decompression in children with histopathological evidence of pre-existing liver cirrhosis.Academic Article Why?
Evaluation of serum anion gap in patients with liver cirrhosis of diverse etiologies.Academic Article Why?
Infantile diffuse cerebral degeneration with hepatic cirrhosis.Academic Article Why?
Medical and Obstetric Complications Among Pregnant Women With Liver Cirrhosis.Academic Article Why?
Systemic histopathology of rats with CCl4-induced hepatic cirrhosis.Academic Article Why?
[Diagnostic significance of extrahepatic colloidal 198Au incorporation in liver cirrhosis].Academic Article Why?
Branched-chain amino-acid granules: can they improve survival in patients with liver cirrhosis?Academic Article Why?
The Burden of Rehospitalization for Patients With Liver Cirrhosis.Academic Article Why?
Liver CirrhosisConcept Why?
Liver Cirrhosis, AlcoholicConcept Why?
Liver Cirrhosis, BiliaryConcept Why?
Liver Cirrhosis, ExperimentalConcept Why?
[Biliary xanthomatosis in adults and children; acquired pericholangitic biliary cirrhosis].Academic Article Why?
Biliary cirrhosis, cholangitis, septicemia and uremia.Academic Article Why?
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  • Cirrhosis Liver
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