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Search Results (13)

Receptor, trkAConcept Why?
Expression of the Kdp ATPase is consistent with regulation by turgor pressure.Academic Article Why?
Infusion of nerve growth factor (NGF) into kitten visual cortex increases immunoreactivity for NGF, NGF receptors, and choline acetyltransferase in basal forebrain without affecting ocular dominance plasticity or column development.Academic Article Why?
Multiple paths for nonphysiological transport of K+ in Escherichia coli.Academic Article Why?
Phase I trial of orally administered CEP-701, a novel neurotrophin receptor-linked tyrosine kinase inhibitor.Academic Article Why?
Structural analysis of TrkA mutations in patients with congenital insensitivity to pain reveals PLC? as an analgesic drug target.Academic Article Why?
Mutant presenilin-1 induces apoptosis and downregulates Akt/PKB.Academic Article Why?
Epstein, WolfgangPerson Why?
Ratain, Mark J.Person Why?
Berardi, DamianPerson Why?
Essential role of sequestosome 1/p62 in regulating accumulation of Lys63-ubiquitinated proteins.Academic Article Why?
Neurotrophins and tonsillar hypertrophy in children with obstructive sleep apnea.Academic Article Why?
Roos, Raymond P.Person Why?
Acute pancreatitis results in referred mechanical hypersensitivity and neuropeptide up-regulation that can be suppressed by the protein kinase inhibitor k252a.Academic Article Why?
Immunological determinants of nerve growth factor involved in p140trk (Trk) receptor binding.Academic Article Why?
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  • Receptor trkA
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