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Search Results (16)

Mathematical ConceptsConcept Why?
A genetic perspective on gender, culture, and mathematics performance.Academic Article Why?
Estimation of Central Venous Pressure by Pacemaker Lead Impedances in Left Ventricular Assist Device Patients.Academic Article Why?
Shared versus separate processes for letter and digit identification.Academic Article Why?
Unconscious Number Discrimination in the Human Visual System.Academic Article Why?
War of ontology worlds: mathematics, computer code, or Esperanto?Academic Article Why?
McCloskey, MichaelPerson Why?
Effects of saturation and enzyme limitation in feedforward adaptive signal transduction.Academic Article Why?
Novel Formula to Calculate Three-Dimensional Angle Between Inflow Cannula and Device Body of HeartMate II LVAD.Academic Article Why?
Systematic fluctuation expansion for neural network activity equations.Academic Article Why?
The kinetic dose limit in room-temperature time-resolved macromolecular crystallography.Academic Article Why?
The role of competition versus cooperation in microbial community coalescence.Academic Article Why?
Rzhetsky, AndreyPerson Why?
Ota, TakeyoshiPerson Why?
Strauss, BernardPerson Why?
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  • Mathematical Concepts
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