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Harnessing the power of telemedicine to accomplish international pediatric outcome research during the COVID-19 pandemic.Academic Article Why?
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research in Practice: The CAPriCORN Infrastructure.Academic Article Why?
Implementation of Complex Interventions: Lessons Learned From the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Transitional Care Portfolio.Academic Article Why?
Outcomes research in surgery: a call to arms.Academic Article Why?
Improving outcomes for older people with cancer - A workshop of the UK National Cancer Research Institute.Academic Article Why?
Using design methods to provide the care that people want and need.Academic Article Why?
Improving neurologic outcome measurement for interventional research in IbadanGrant Why?
Meltzer, DavidPerson Why?
Advancing Data Capacity for Economic Outcomes in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research: Challenges and Opportunities.Academic Article Why?
A checklist for ascertaining study cohorts in oncology health services research using secondary data: report of the ISPOR oncology good outcomes research practices working group.Academic Article Why?
Tophus measurement as an outcome measure for clinical trials of chronic gout: progress and research priorities.Academic Article Why?
Krishnan, JerryPerson Why?
Stulberg, Debra BPerson Why?
The University of Chicago Patient Centered Outcomes Research K12 Training ProgramGrant Why?
The American Heart Association's principles for comparative effectiveness research: a policy statement from the American Heart Association.Academic Article Why?
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