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Search Results (47)

Prabhakaran, ShyamPerson Why?
High-dose atorvastatin after stroke or transient ischemic attack.Academic Article Why?
Impact of abnormal diffusion-weighted imaging results on short-term outcome following transient ischemic attack.Academic Article Why?
Limb-shaking Transient Ischemic Attacks: case report and review of literature.Academic Article Why?
New transient ischemic attack and stroke: outpatient management by primary care physicians.Academic Article Why?
Evolving concepts regarding transient ischemic attacks.Academic Article Why?
Misdiagnosis of transient ischemic attacks in the emergency room.Academic Article Why?
Perfusion computed tomography in transient ischemic attack.Academic Article Why?
Reversible brain ischemia: lessons from transient ischemic attack.Academic Article Why?
Transient ischemic attack.Academic Article Why?
Agreement regarding diagnosis of transient ischemic attack fairly low among stroke-trained neurologists.Academic Article Why?
Challenges in the diagnosis and management of transient ischemic attack.Academic Article Why?
Depression and antidepressant use after stroke and transient ischemic attack.Academic Article Why?
Diagnosis and Management of Transient Ischemic Attack and Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Review.Academic Article Why?
Does diffusion-weighted imaging in transient ischemic attack patients improve accuracy of diagnosis, prognosis, or both?Academic Article Why?
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  • Ischemic Attack Transient
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