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Search Results (91)

Research ethics dilemmas in thyroid disease.Academic Article Why?
Research ethics education for community-engaged research: a review and research agenda.Academic Article Why?
The Challenges of Incorporating Research Ethics Consultation Into Institutional Human Subjects Protections Programs.Academic Article Why?
What is the quality of the reporting of research ethics in publications of nursing home research?Academic Article Why?
Are research ethics standards satisfied in pediatric journal publications?Academic Article Why?
Human subjects protections in community-engaged research: a research ethics framework.Academic Article Why?
Ethics, ResearchConcept Why?
Operational Characteristics of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) in the United States.Academic Article Why?
Ross, LainiePerson Why?
Angelos, PeterPerson Why?
The President's Council on Bioethics 2002-2004: an overview.Academic Article Why?
[Ethics for being a radiological technologist and/or a researcher].Academic Article Why?
An introduction to foundation and industry-sponsored research: practical and ethical considerations.Academic Article Why?
Changing grounds for equipoise?Academic Article Why?
Children in medical research: balancing protection and access--has the pendulum swung too far?Academic Article Why?
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