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Search Results (114)

Modulation of emotion by cognition and cognition by emotion.Academic Article Why?
Voluntary emotion regulation in anorexia nervosa: A preliminary emotion-modulated startle investigation.Academic Article Why?
De Wit, HarrietPerson Why?
Coccaro, EmilPerson Why?
On patient safety: surgical complications do not always produce poor outcomes (just bad feelings).Academic Article Why?
Decety, JeanPerson Why?
Anxiety, depression, and regret of donation in living kidney donors.Academic Article Why?
Momentary assessment of affect, physical feeling states, and physical activity in children.Academic Article Why?
Hippocampal seed connectome-based modeling predicts the feeling of stress.Academic Article Why?
Equanimity to excess: inhibiting the expression of negative emotion is associated with depression symptoms in girls.Academic Article Why?
Parental expressed emotion of adolescents with anorexia nervosa: outcome in family-based treatment.Academic Article Why?
Behavioral evidence of emotion dysregulation in binge eaters.Academic Article Why?
Being the target of another's emotion: a PET study.Academic Article Why?
Emotion assessment using the NIH Toolbox.Academic Article Why?
Emotion processing in intermittent explosive disorder.Academic Article Why?
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