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Search Results (461)

Genes, brains, and development: linking preschool developmental disorders to medical science and care.Academic Article Why?
An open-label trial of escitalopram in pervasive developmental disorders.Academic Article Why?
Mutations of AKT3 are associated with a wide spectrum of developmental disorders including extreme megalencephaly.Academic Article Why?
Ethical and policy issues in newborn screening of children for neurologic and developmental disorders.Academic Article Why?
CDKL5/Stk9 kinase inactivation is associated with neuronal developmental disorders.Academic Article Why?
PIK3CA-associated developmental disorders exhibit distinct classes of mutations with variable expression and tissue distribution.Academic Article Why?
The Test of Infant Motor Performance at 3 months predicts language, cognitive, and motor outcomes in infants born preterm at 2 years of age.Academic Article Why?
Helping parents of children with monogenetic disorders understand developmental trajectories: lessons from achondroplasia.Academic Article Why?
Measuring developmental and functional status in children with disabilities.Academic Article Why?
The Developmental Brain Disorders Database (DBDB): a curated neurogenetics knowledge base with clinical and research applications.Academic Article Why?
Association of MTOR Mutations With Developmental Brain Disorders, Including Megalencephaly, Focal Cortical Dysplasia, and Pigmentary Mosaicism.Academic Article Why?
Spitz, FrancoisPerson Why?
A prospective, open-label trial of memantine in the treatment of cognitive, behavioral, and memory dysfunction in pervasive developmental disorders.Academic Article Why?
Estimating the cost of developmental and behavioral screening of preschool children in general pediatric practice.Academic Article Why?
What should be the research agenda for developmental behavioral pediatrics?Academic Article Why?
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