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Search Results (538)

Autophagy positively regulates DNA damage recognition by nucleotide excision repair.Academic Article Why?
Chromatin compartmentalization regulates the response to DNA damage.Academic Article Why?
Epigenetic modifications in double-strand break DNA damage signaling and repair.Academic Article Why?
Regulation of Rad51 function by c-Abl in response to DNA damage.Academic Article Why?
Role for caspase-mediated cleavage of Rad51 in induction of apoptosis by DNA damage.Academic Article Why?
SIRT3 Overexpression Ameliorates Asbestos-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis, mt-DNA Damage, and Lung Fibrogenic Monocyte Recruitment.Academic Article Why?
Cellular response to DNA damage.Academic Article Why?
Elevated poly-(ADP-ribose)-polymerase activity sensitizes retinoblastoma-deficient cells to DNA damage-induced necrosis.Academic Article Why?
From DNA Damage to Nucleic Acid Sensing: A Strategy to Enhance Radiation Therapy.Academic Article Why?
ITCH nuclear translocation and H1.2 polyubiquitination negatively regulate the DNA damage response.Academic Article Why?
KGF facilitates repair of radiation-induced DNA damage in alveolar epithelial cells.Academic Article Why?
Loss of Wip1 sensitizes cells to stress- and DNA damage-induced apoptosis.Academic Article Why?
p53-dependent and independent expression of p21 during cell growth, differentiation, and DNA damage.Academic Article Why?
Protein binding has a large effect on radical mediated DNA damage.Academic Article Why?
PTEN positively regulates UVB-induced DNA damage repair.Academic Article Why?
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