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Search Results (16)

Injury prevention for children with disabilities.Academic Article Why?
Msall, Michael E.Person Why?
Functional limitations and key indicators of well-being in children with disability.Academic Article Why?
Measuring developmental and functional status in children with disabilities.Academic Article Why?
Physiological correlates of conduct problems and anxiety in hyperactive and learning-disabled children.Academic Article Why?
Promoting greater understanding: pairing medical students with families of children with disabilities.Academic Article Why?
Psychological and neuropsychological issues in the care of children with disabilities.Academic Article Why?
Visual discrimination deficits of reading-disabled children: sex artifact?Academic Article Why?
Educating Children With Disabilities: How Pediatricians Can HelpAcademic Article Why?
Intravenous sedation: an adjunct to enable orthodontic treatment for children with disabilities.Academic Article Why?
Measuring developmental and functional status in children with disabilities.Academic Article Why?
Outcome Measures Following Critical Illness in Children With Disabilities: A Scoping Review.Academic Article Why?
Toward a behavioral model of academic remediation with learning disabled children.Academic Article Why?
Utility of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision in the evaluation of reading disabled children.Academic Article Why?
Disabled ChildrenConcept Why?
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  • Disabled Children
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