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Search Results (991)

Gardel, MargaretPerson Why?
GRASP: a novel heparin-binding serum glycoprotein that mediates oligodendrocyte-substratum adhesion.Academic Article Why?
Neuroglian-mediated cell adhesion induces assembly of the membrane skeleton at cell contact sites.Academic Article Why?
Differential regulation of endothelial cell adhesion molecule expression by nitric oxide donors and antioxidants.Academic Article Why?
Estrogens and glucocorticoids inhibit endothelial vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 expression by different transcriptional mechanisms.Academic Article Why?
Persistent downregulation of the pancarcinoma-associated epithelial cell adhesion molecule via active intranuclear methylation.Academic Article Why?
Aptamer-based capture molecules as a novel coating strategy to promote cell adhesion.Academic Article Why?
Densely crosslinked polymer networks of poly(ethylene glycol) in trimethylolpropane triacrylate for cell-adhesion-resistant surfaces.Academic Article Why?
Polymer networks with grafted cell adhesion peptides for highly biospecific cell adhesive substrates.Academic Article Why?
Association between arsenic exposure from drinking water and plasma levels of soluble cell adhesion molecules.Academic Article Why?
Conserved F-actin dynamics and force transmission at cell adhesions.Academic Article Why?
Inhibition of B-cell receptor signaling disrupts cell adhesion in mantle cell lymphoma via RAC2.Academic Article Why?
Neurotrimin: a novel neural cell adhesion molecule correlating with uterine fibroid phenotype.Academic Article Why?
Using "click" chemistry to prepare SAM substrates to study stem cell adhesion.Academic Article Why?
Impaired cell adhesion, apoptosis, and signaling in WASP gene-disrupted Nalm-6 pre-B cells and recovery of cell adhesion using a transducible form of WASp.Academic Article Why?
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