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Search Results (159)

Protein secretion and the pathogenesis of bacterial infections.Academic Article Why?
Missiakas, DominiquePerson Why?
Tang, Wei-JenPerson Why?
Green, ErinPerson Why?
Light, SamPerson Why?
Using an Agent-Based Model to Examine the Role of Dynamic Bacterial Virulence Potential in the Pathogenesis of Surgical Site Infection.Academic Article Why?
Structural basis of Mg2+ homeostasisGrant Why?
The cell wall architecture of Enterococcus faecium: from resistance to pathogenesis.Academic Article Why?
Importance of the global regulators Agr and SaeRS in the pathogenesis of CA-MRSA USA300 infection.Academic Article Why?
Staphylococcus aureus pathogenesis: secretion systems, adhesins, and invasins.Academic Article Why?
Comstock, LauriePerson Why?
Galactosylation of the Secondary Cell Wall Polysaccharide of Bacillus anthracis and Its Contribution to Anthrax Pathogenesis.Academic Article Why?
Rust, Michael J.Person Why?
Mutlu, Gokhan M.Person Why?
Pamer, EricPerson Why?
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  • Bacterial
  • pathogenesis
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