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Search Results (256)

Mitchell, James W.Person Why?
Adolescent weight history and adult cognition: before and after bariatric surgery.Academic Article Why?
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: is bariatric surgery the answer?Academic Article Why?
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) does not increase complications after laparoscopic bariatric surgery.Academic Article Why?
Predictors of patient selection in bariatric surgery.Academic Article Why?
Preoperative use of incentive spirometry does not affect postoperative lung function in bariatric surgery.Academic Article Why?
Prevalence of hyperoxaluria after bariatric surgery.Academic Article Why?
Prevalence of obesity among children and/or grandchildren of adult bariatric surgery patients.Academic Article Why?
Psychological aspects of bariatric surgery.Academic Article Why?
Sexual functioning and sex hormones in men who underwent bariatric surgery.Academic Article Why?
The relationship between childhood maltreatment and psychopathology in adults undergoing bariatric surgery.Academic Article Why?
The role of malabsorption in bariatric surgery.Academic Article Why?
Why patients seek bariatric surgery: a qualitative and quantitative analysis of patient motivation.Academic Article Why?
A longitudinal examination of suicide-related thoughts and behaviors among bariatric surgery patients.Academic Article Why?
Adenocarcinoma of the gastroesophageal junction after bariatric surgery.Academic Article Why?
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  • Bariatric Surgery
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