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Search Results (102)

Effect of clinical vignettes on senior medical students' opinions of climate change.Academic Article Why?
Utilizing genomics to understand and respond to global climate change.Academic Article Why?
Vegetation Greening and Climate Change Promote Multidecadal Rises of Global Land Evapotranspiration.Academic Article Why?
Climate change and faunal dynamics in the uttermost part of the earth.Academic Article Why?
Climate change and the integrity of science.Academic Article Why?
Climate change: a hybrid zone moves north.Academic Article Why?
Cross-generational effects of climate change on expression of a sexually selected trait.Academic Article Why?
Climate change complicates efforts to ensure survival and recovery of St. Lawrence Estuary beluga.Academic Article Why?
Global malaria maps and climate change: a focus on East African highlands.Academic Article Why?
Landscape genomic prediction for restoration of a Eucalyptus foundation species under climate change.Academic Article Why?
Soil erosion, climate change and global food security: challenges and strategies.Academic Article Why?
Transmission intensity and drug resistance in malaria population dynamics: implications for climate change.Academic Article Why?
Climate change, the environment, and rhinologic disease.Academic Article Why?
Only 12 years left to readjust for the 1.5-degree climate change option - Says International Panel on Climate Change report: Current commentary.Academic Article Why?
Clinical and translational science and climate change: Time for action.Academic Article Why?
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