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Search Results (48)

De Jong, JillPerson Why?
Wool, GeoffreyPerson Why?
Arterial occlusion causing large bowel infarction--a reflection of clotting diathesis in SLE.Academic Article Why?
MRI demonstration of clot in a small unruptured aneurysm causing stroke. Case report.Academic Article Why?
Bader, KennethPerson Why?
Liao, JamesPerson Why?
Awad, IssamPerson Why?
Rowell, SusanPerson Why?
Himelhoch, SethPerson Why?
Ahsan, HabibulPerson Why?
Carroll, TimothyPerson Why?
Kittler, RalfPerson Why?
Weir, BrycePerson Why?
Matthews, Jeffrey B.Person Why?
Scavone, Barbara M.Person Why?
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  • Clotting
  • disorders
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