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Search Results (363)

Agent-based model of epithelial host-pathogen interactions in anastomotic leak.Academic Article Why?
Proteoglycans in host-pathogen interactions: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic implications.Academic Article Why?
Continua of specificity and virulence in plant host-pathogen interactions: causes and consequences.Academic Article Why?
Induced plant defenses, host-pathogen interactions, and forest insect outbreaks.Academic Article Why?
Natural Selection, Host-Pathogen Interactions, and Insect OutbreaksGrant Why?
Host-pathogen interactions, insect outbreaks, and natural selection for disease resistance.Academic Article Why?
Host-Pathogen InteractionsConcept Why?
Dwyer, GregoryPerson Why?
"It Is Not Necessary to Kill Them in Order to Make Them Relatively Harmless": Molecular Diplomacy in the Pathogen-Host Interaction.Academic Article Why?
Agent-based dynamic knowledge representation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence activation in the stressed gut: Towards characterizing host-pathogen interactions in gut-derived sepsis.Academic Article Why?
Bergelson, JoyPerson Why?
Randall, Glenn C.Person Why?
Roizman, BernardPerson Why?
Pamer, EricPerson Why?
Cobey, Sarah E.Person Why?
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  • Host Pathogen Interactions
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