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Search Results (65)

Cade-Bell, IcyPerson Why?
The capacity of primary care pediatricians to care for children with special health care needs.Academic Article Why?
Rational service planning in pediatric primary care: continuity and change in psychopathology among children enrolled in pediatric practices.Academic Article Why?
Estimating the cost of developmental and behavioral screening of preschool children in general pediatric practice.Academic Article Why?
Weyer, GeorgePerson Why?
Johnson, DanielPerson Why?
Leikin, JerroldPerson Why?
Food allergy knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of primary care physicians.Academic Article Why?
Benjamin, Holly J.Person Why?
Giving "prescriptions" for paediatric weight management follow-up in primary care.Academic Article Why?
Primary care residency selection and completion--the Illinois experience, 1988-1995.Academic Article Why?
Stein, SarahPerson Why?
Agrawal, RishiPerson Why?
Ethical issues in genetic testing of children.Academic Article Why?
The Impact of Infant Well-Child Care Compliance and Social Risks on Emergency Department Utilization.Academic Article Why?
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  • Primary care
  • pediatrics
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