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Search Results (50)

Genes & Diseases: Moving molecular and translational medicine forward.Academic Article Why?
High-throughput translational medicine: challenges and solutions.Academic Article Why?
The University of Chicago Institute for Translational Medicine.Academic Article Why?
Genetic Analysis in Translational Medicine: The 2010 GOLDEN HELIX Symposium.Academic Article Why?
Best Abstract Award (Translational Medicine), Department of Medicine Janet Rowley Research DayAward or Honor Receipt Why?
Institute for Translational Medicine (ITM) Pilot AwardAward or Honor Receipt Why?
Paul and Mindy Purcell Translational Medicine AwardAward or Honor Receipt Why?
The Institute for Translational MedicineGrant Why?
Translational Medical ResearchConcept Why?
Solway, JulianPerson Why?
Augmenting Surgery via Multi-scale Modeling and Translational Systems Biology in the Era of Precision Medicine: A Multidisciplinary Perspective.Academic Article Why?
Beyer, Eric C.Person Why?
Thawani, RajatPerson Why?
The ACCOuNT Consortium: A Model for the Discovery, Translation, and Implementation of Precision Medicine in African Americans.Academic Article Why?
Ross, LainiePerson Why?
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  • Translational Research Medical
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