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Search Results (249)

Body piercing/tattooing and trauma diagnostic imaging: medical myths vs realities.Academic Article Why?
Diagnostic performance of CT, MPR and 3DCT imaging in maxillofacial trauma.Academic Article Why?
Funaki, AlexandraPerson Why?
Diffusion tensor MR imaging in pediatric head trauma.Academic Article Why?
Magnetic resonance imaging of changes in muscle tissues after membrane trauma.Academic Article Why?
Can QuickBrain MRI replace CT as first-line imaging for select pediatric head trauma?Academic Article Why?
Effects of early adversity and social discrimination on empathy for complex mental states: An fMRI investigation.Academic Article Why?
From tumor to trauma: etiologically deconstructing a unique differential diagnosis of musculoskeletal entities with high signal intensity on T1-weighted MRI.Academic Article Why?
PECARN prediction rules for CT imaging of children presenting to the emergency department with blunt abdominal or minor head trauma: a multicentre prospective validation study.Academic Article Why?
MR imaging of the elbow in the injured athlete.Academic Article Why?
Selective common and uncommon imaging manifestations of blunt nonaortic chest trauma: when time is of the essence.Academic Article Why?
The black and white truth about domestic violence.Academic Article Why?
Posttraumatic stress symptom clusters differentially predict late positive potential to cocaine imagery cues in trauma-exposed adults with cocaine use disorder.Academic Article Why?
Skondra, DimitraPerson Why?
Ginat, Daniel T.Person Why?
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