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Search Results (437)

Stable isotope tracing to assess tumor metabolism in vivo.Academic Article Why?
Analyzing Tumor Metabolism In VivoAcademic Article Why?
Faubert, BrandonPerson Why?
Macleod, KayPerson Why?
Tryptophan metabolism in brain tumors - IDO and beyond.Academic Article Why?
Lactate Metabolism in Human Lung Tumors.Academic Article Why?
Isotope tracing reveals glycolysis and oxidative metabolism in childhood tumors of multiple histologies.Academic Article Why?
Inhibition of tumor high-energy phosphate metabolism by insulin combined with rhodamine 123.Academic Article Why?
Muir, AlexanderPerson Why?
Does Tumor FDG-PET Avidity Represent Enhanced Glycolytic Metabolism in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer?Academic Article Why?
Phorbol ester tumor promoters specifically stimulate choline phospholipid metabolism in human leukemic cells.Academic Article Why?
Tumor Cell IDO Enhances Immune Suppression and Decreases Survival Independent of Tryptophan Metabolism in Glioblastoma.Academic Article Why?
Highly expressed BMP9/GDF2 in postnatal mouse liver and lungs may account for its pleiotropic effects on stem cell differentiation, angiogenesis, tumor growth and metabolism.Academic Article Why?
Associations between smoking, polymorphisms in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolism and conjugation genes and PAH-DNA adducts in prostate tumors differ by race.Academic Article Why?
In vivo isotope tracing reveals a requirement for the electron transport chain in glucose and glutamine metabolism by tumors.Academic Article Why?
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