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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Krishnan, Jerry
Item TypeName
Concept Asthma
Concept Severity of Illness Index
Academic Article An umbrella review: corticosteroid therapy for adults with acute asthma.
Academic Article High frequency chest wall oscillation for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations: a randomized sham-controlled clinical trial.
Academic Article Prevalence of hiatal hernia by blinded multidetector CT in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Academic Article Misuse of respiratory inhalers in hospitalized patients with asthma or COPD.
Academic Article Effect of a community-wide asthma intervention on appropriate use of inhaled corticosteroids.
Academic Article Teaching the use of respiratory inhalers to hospitalized patients with asthma or COPD: a randomized trial.
Academic Article Perception of airflow obstruction in patients hospitalized for acute asthma.
Academic Article Confirmatory spirometry for adults hospitalized with a diagnosis of asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation.
Academic Article Safety and feasibility of bronchial thermoplasty in asthma patients with very severe fixed airflow obstruction: a case series.
Academic Article Maternal asthma and microRNA regulation of soluble HLA-G in the airway.
Academic Article Endobronchial biopsy: a guide for asthma therapy selection in the era of bronchial thermoplasty.
Academic Article Effect of vitamin D3 on asthma treatment failures in adults with symptomatic asthma and lower vitamin D levels: the VIDA randomized clinical trial.
Academic Article A genome-wide survey of CD4(+) lymphocyte regulatory genetic variants identifies novel asthma genes.
Academic Article The Asthma Control and Communication Instrument: a clinical tool developed for ethnically diverse populations.
Academic Article Relationship of physician estimate of underlying asthma severity to asthma outcomes.
Academic Article Disability and recovery of independent function in obstructive lung disease: the cardiovascular health study.
Academic Article Corticosteroid use after hospital discharge among high-risk adults with asthma.
Academic Article Household mouse allergen exposure and asthma morbidity in inner-city preschool children.
Academic Article Asthma in older patients: factors associated with hospitalization.
Academic Article Asthma-related health status determinants of environmental control practices for inner-city preschool children.
Academic Article Emotional quality-of-life and outcomes in adolescents with asthma.
Academic Article Asthma outcomes: symptoms.
Academic Article Effects of respiratory and non-respiratory factors on disability among older adults with airway obstruction: the Cardiovascular Health Study.
Academic Article Lower physician estimate of underlying asthma severity leads to undertreatment.
Academic Article Are physician estimates of asthma severity less accurate in black than in white patients?
Academic Article Correlation between objective and subjective measures of hand function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Academic Article Indoor exposures to air pollutants and allergens in the homes of asthmatic children in inner-city Baltimore.
Academic Article Follow-up after acute asthma episodes: what improves future outcomes?
Academic Article The association between depression, lung function, and health-related quality of life among adults with cystic fibrosis.
Academic Article Patient factors that physicians use to assign asthma treatment.
Academic Article Lessons Learned for the Study of Childhood Asthma from the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research.
Academic Article Tailored education may reduce health literacy disparities in asthma self-management.
Academic Article Follow-up after acute asthma episodes: what improves future outcomes?
Academic Article Omalizumab for severe allergic asthma: dollars and sense.
Academic Article Anti-inflammatory treatment after discharge home from the emergency department in adults with acute asthma.
Academic Article Joint task force report: supplemental recommendations for the management and follow-up of asthma exacerbations. Introduction.
Academic Article Recommendations for the management and follow-up of asthma exacerbations. Introduction.
Academic Article Anti-inflammatory treatment after discharge home from the emergency department in adults with acute asthma.
Academic Article Follow-up after acute asthma episodes: what improves future outcomes?
Academic Article Long-acting ß2-agonist step-off in patients with controlled asthma.
Academic Article Home environmental intervention in inner-city asthma: a randomized controlled clinical trial.
Academic Article Race and sex differences in consistency of care with national asthma guidelines in managed care organizations.
Academic Article Maternal depressive symptoms and adherence to therapy in inner-city children with asthma.
Academic Article Disparities in outcomes from chronic disease.
Academic Article Mortality in patients hospitalized for asthma exacerbations in the United States.
Academic Article Methods and issues in conducting a community-based environmental randomized trial.
Academic Article CPAP and survival in moderate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and hypoxaemic COPD.
Academic Article Anti-inflammatory treatment after discharge home from the emergency department in adults with acute asthma.
Academic Article Effects of positive airway pressure treatment on clinical measures of hypertension and type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article Depressive symptoms and adherence to asthma therapy after hospital discharge.
Academic Article Adherence to inhaled corticosteroids: an ancillary study of the Childhood Asthma Management Program clinical trial.
Academic Article A call for action: Comparative effectiveness research in asthma.
Academic Article Nebulized beta2-agonist use in high-risk inner-city adults with asthma.
Academic Article Stepping Up Asthma Therapy in the "Real World".
Academic Article Hospitalist attitudes toward the assessment and management of dyspnea in patients with acute cardiopulmonary diseases.
Academic Article Using design methods to provide the care that people want and need.
Academic Article Engaging stakeholders to design a comparative effectiveness trial in children with uncontrolled asthma.
Academic Article Effectiveness of Interventions to Teach Metered-Dose and Diskus Inhaler Techniques. A Randomized Trial.
Academic Article Assessing Asthma Symptoms in Adolescents and Adults: Qualitative Research Supporting Development of the Asthma Daily Symptom Diary.
Academic Article Burden of asthma with elevated blood eosinophil levels.
Academic Article Value of peripheral blood eosinophil markers to predict severity of asthma.
Academic Article Use of Antibiotics Among Patients Hospitalized for Exacerbations of Asthma.
Academic Article Enrolling African-American and Latino patients with asthma in comparative effectiveness research: Lessons learned from 8 patient-centered studies.
Academic Article Care transition interventions for children with asthma in the emergency department.
Academic Article Clinical and Economic Burden of Elevated Blood Eosinophils in Patients With and Without Uncontrolled Asthma.
Academic Article Progression to Uncontrolled Severe Asthma: A Novel Risk Equation.
Academic Article Race is associated with differences in airway inflammation in patients with asthma.
Academic Article Gene Expression Profiling in Blood Provides Reproducible Molecular Insights into Asthma Control.
Academic Article Design of a pragmatic trial in minority children presenting to the emergency department with uncontrolled asthma: The CHICAGO Plan.
Academic Article Respiratory Symptoms Items from the COPD Assessment Test Identify Ever-Smokers with Preserved Lung Function at Higher Risk for Poor Respiratory Outcomes. An Analysis of the Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study Cohort.
Academic Article Frequency of exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an analysis of the SPIROMICS cohort.
Academic Article Role of local CpG DNA methylation in mediating the 17q21 asthma susceptibility gasdermin B (GSDMB)/ORMDL sphingolipid biosynthesis regulator 3 (ORMDL3) expression quantitative trait locus.
Academic Article Gene Coexpression Networks in Whole Blood Implicate Multiple Interrelated Molecular Pathways in Obesity in People with Asthma.
Academic Article Sleep disruption as a predictor of quality of life among patients in the subpopulations and intermediate outcome measures in COPD study (SPIROMICS).
Academic Article Implications of Changes in U.S. Food and Drug Administration Prescribing Information Regarding the Safety and Use of Asthma Biologics during Pregnancy.
Academic Article A Systematic Review of Patient- and Family-Level Inhaled Corticosteroid Adherence Interventions in Black/African Americans.
Academic Article Quintupling Inhaled Glucocorticoids to Prevent Childhood Asthma Exacerbations.
Academic Article Finding Asthma: Building a Foundation for Care and Discovery.
Academic Article Childhood Asthma Disparities in Chicago: Developing Approaches to Health Inequities.
Academic Article Time to Converge FDA Decisions and Evidence Syntheses for Long-Acting Muscarinic Antagonists and SMART in Guidelines for the Treatment of Asthma.
Academic Article Comparative effectiveness trials in asthma - how will I recognize one?
Academic Article Predictors of inhaled corticosteroid taper failure in adults with asthma.
Academic Article Aspirin Use and Respiratory Morbidity in COPD: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis in Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study.
Academic Article Adapting clinical trial design to maintain meaningful outcomes during a multicenter asthma trial in the precision medicine era.
Academic Article Association of Antibiotic Treatment With Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized for an Asthma Exacerbation Treated With Systemic Corticosteroids.
Academic Article Systemic Markers of Inflammation in Smokers With Symptoms Despite Preserved Spirometry in SPIROMICS.
Academic Article Mometasone or Tiotropium in Mild Asthma with a Low Sputum Eosinophil Level.
Academic Article Prevalence and Characteristics of Asthma-Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Overlap in Routine Primary Care Practices.
Academic Article What Will Uncontrolled Asthma Cost in the United States?
Academic Article GINA 2019: a fundamental change in asthma management: Treatment of asthma with short-acting bronchodilators alone is no longer recommended for adults and adolescents.
Academic Article Exacerbation-prone asthma in the context of race and ancestry in Asthma Clinical Research Network trials.
Academic Article Step-Up Therapy in Black Children and Adults with Poorly Controlled Asthma.
Academic Article Clinical Significance of Bronchodilator Responsiveness Evaluated by Forced Vital Capacity in COPD: SPIROMICS Cohort Analysis.
Academic Article Clinical Phenotypes of Atopy and Asthma in COPD: A Meta-analysis of SPIROMICS and COPDGene.
Academic Article One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Bronchial Thermoplasty for Asthma.
Academic Article The precision interventions for severe and/or exacerbation-prone asthma (PrecISE) adaptive platform trial: statistical considerations.
Academic Article Managing Asthma in Adolescents and Adults: 2020 Asthma Guideline Update From the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program.
Academic Article National Asthma Education and Prevention Program 2020 Guideline Update: Where Do We Go from Here?
Academic Article 2020 Focused Updates to the Asthma Management Guidelines: A Report from the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Coordinating Committee Expert Panel Working Group.
Academic Article PrecISE: Precision Medicine in Severe Asthma: An adaptive platform trial with biomarker ascertainment.
Academic Article The safety of asthma medications during pregnancy and lactation: Clinical management and research priorities.
Academic Article Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting the expression of COVID-19-relevant genes in the large airway epithelium.
Academic Article Polycythemia is Associated with Lower Incidence of Severe COPD Exacerbations in the SPIROMICS Study.
Academic Article Clinically Significant and Comorbid Anxiety and Depression Symptoms Predict Severe Respiratory Exacerbations in Smokers: A Post Hoc Analysis of the COPDGene and SPIROMICS Cohorts.
Academic Article A Practical Guide to Implementing SMART in Asthma Management.
Academic Article Global Initiative for Asthma Strategy 2021: executive summary and rationale for key changes.
Academic Article Global Initiative for Asthma Strategy 2021: Executive Summary and Rationale for Key Changes.
Academic Article Global Initiative for Asthma Strategy 2021: Executive Summary and Rationale for Key Changes.
Academic Article Pharmacogenetic studies of long-acting beta agonist and inhaled corticosteroid responsiveness in randomised controlled trials of individuals of African descent with asthma.
Academic Article Global Initiative for Asthma Strategy 2021: Executive Summary and Rationale for Key Changes.
Academic Article Biomarkers to Predict Response to Inhaled Corticosteroids and Long-Acting Muscarinic Antagonists in Adolescents and Adults with Mild Persistent Asthma.
Academic Article The Precision Interventions for Severe and/or Exacerbation-Prone (PrecISE) Asthma Network: An overview of Network organization, procedures, and interventions.
Academic Article Asthma Daytime Symptom Diary (ADSD) and Asthma Nighttime Symptom Diary (ANSD): Measurement Properties of Novel Patient-Reported Symptom Measures.
Academic Article Global Initiative for Asthma Strategy 2021. Executive Summary and Rationale for Key Changes.
Academic Article Self-Reported Health Outcomes of Children and Youth with 10 Chronic Diseases.
Academic Article Reversible Airflow Obstruction Predicts Future Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Development in the SPIROMICS Cohort: An Observational Cohort Study.
Academic Article Risk of COPD exacerbation is increased by poor sleep quality and modified by social adversity.
Academic Article Stakeholder engagement in eight comparative effectiveness trials in African Americans and Latinos with asthma.
Academic Article Roflumilast May Increase Risk of Exacerbations When Used to Treat Poorly Controlled Asthma in People with Obesity.
Academic Article Black carbon content in airway macrophages is associated with increased severe exacerbations and worse COPD morbidity in SPIROMICS.
Academic Article Bronchodilator Responsiveness in Tobacco-Exposed People With or Without COPD.
Academic Article Association Among Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Severity, Exacerbation Risk, and Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in the SPIROMICS Cohort.
Academic Article A Call for the United States to Accelerate the Implementation of Reliever Combination Inhaled Corticosteroid-Formoterol Inhalers in Asthma.
Academic Article Key recommendations for primary care from the 2022 Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) update.
Academic Article Influenza Vaccinations Among Privately and Publicly Insured Children With Asthma.
Grant Chicagoland Metropolitan AsthmaNet Consortium (CMAC)
Grant Coordinated Healthcare Interventions for Childhood Asthma Gaps in Outcomes (CHICAGO) Collaboration II
Grant Increasing adherence in inner-city adults with asthma
Academic Article Global access and patient safety in the transition to environmentally friendly respiratory inhalers: the Global Initiative for Asthma perspective.
Academic Article Coordinated Health Care Interventions for Childhood Asthma Gaps in Outcomes (CHICAGO) plan.
Academic Article Association of Sputum Eosinophilia With Easily Measured Type-2 Inflammatory Biomarkers in Untreated Mild Persistent Asthma.
Academic Article Real-world treatment trajectories of adults with newly diagnosed asthma or COPD.
Academic Article Differences in Health Care Utilization for Asthma by Children with Medicaid versus Private Insurance.
Academic Article As-needed ICS/formoterol or as-needed SABA in mild asthma?
Academic Article Health Insurance Type and Outpatient Specialist Care Among Children With Asthma.
Academic Article Implementation of a remote behavioral intervention for older adults with asthma - a pilot study.
Search Criteria
  • severe
  • asthma