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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Comstock, Laurie
keywords Antimicrobial proteins
overview The human intestinal microbiota is a complex and dynamic consortium of microbes that is crucial for human health and disease prevention. Our lab has been studying the abundant bacterial members of this ecosystem to understand how they interact with each other both cooperatively and antagonistically to form these health-promoting communities. We use basic microbiological, genetic, biochemical, and gnotobiotic mouse analyses, combined with genomic, metagenomic and computational analyses to understand these complex interactions. We have discovered numerous classes of new antimicrobial proteins that these bacteria use to compete in their ecosystem, and we are studying their mechanisms of action, ecological properties, and how we may translate these molecules for human health benefits. Another focus of the lab is the evolution of microbes in the human gut and how genetic elements horizontally transferred between bacterial species personalize each individual’s gut microbiota and the phenotypes and community benefits conferred by these shared genetic elements.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Comstock, Laurie
Item TypeName
Concept Bacterial Outer Membrane Proteins
Concept Bacterial Proteins
Concept Complement System Proteins
Concept Membrane Proteins
Concept RNA-Binding Proteins
Concept Escherichia coli Proteins
Concept Fimbriae Proteins
Academic Article Gut Symbiont Bacteroides fragilis Secretes a Eukaryotic-Like Ubiquitin Protein That Mediates Intraspecies Antagonism.
Academic Article Expression of phase variable surface molecules of Bacteroides species from healthy and clinical stool.
Academic Article A family of anti-Bacteroidales peptide toxins wide-spread in the human gut microbiota.
Academic Article Theoretical and experimental characterization of the scope of protein O-glycosylation in Bacteroides fragilis.
Academic Article Type VI Secretion Systems and the Gut Microbiota.
Academic Article Type VI secretion systems of human gut Bacteroidales segregate into three genetic architectures, two of which are contained on mobile genetic elements.
Academic Article Bacteroides fragilis synthesizes a DNA invertase affecting both a local and a distant region.
Academic Article Streamlined Genetic Manipulation of Diverse Bacteroides and Parabacteroides Isolates from the Human Gut Microbiota.
Academic Article Phase-variable expression of a family of glycoproteins imparts a dynamic surface to a symbiont in its human intestinal ecosystem.
Academic Article Evidence of extensive DNA transfer between bacteroidales species within the human gut.
Academic Article Interstrain variation of the polysaccharide B biosynthesis locus of Bacteroides fragilis: characterization of the region from strain 638R.
Academic Article Bacteroides fragilis type VI secretion systems use novel effector and immunity proteins to antagonize human gut Bacteroidales species.
Academic Article Nanaerobic growth enables direct visualization of dynamic cellular processes in human gut symbionts.
Academic Article A New Pillar in Pilus Assembly.
Academic Article Human symbionts use a host-like pathway for surface fucosylation.
Academic Article Identification of a Fifth Antibacterial Toxin Produced by a Single Bacteroides fragilis Strain.
Academic Article Phylum-wide general protein O-glycosylation system of the Bacteroidetes.
Academic Article A family of transcriptional antitermination factors necessary for synthesis of the capsular polysaccharides of Bacteroides fragilis.
Academic Article Role of glycan synthesis in colonization of the mammalian gut by the bacterial symbiont Bacteroides fragilis.
Academic Article Trans locus inhibitors limit concomitant polysaccharide synthesis in the human gut symbiont Bacteroides fragilis.
Academic Article Acquisition of MACPF domain-encoding genes is the main contributor to LPS glycan diversity in gut Bacteroides species.
Academic Article Bacteroidales Secreted Antimicrobial Proteins Target Surface Molecules Necessary for Gut Colonization and Mediate Competition In Vivo.
Academic Article An antimicrobial protein of the gut symbiont Bacteroides fragilis with a MACPF domain of host immune proteins.
Academic Article Analysis of a phase-variable restriction modification system of the human gut symbiont Bacteroides fragilis.
Academic Article "Cross-glycosylation" of proteins in Bacteroidales species.
Academic Article Tyrosine site-specific recombinases mediate DNA inversions affecting the expression of outer surface proteins of Bacteroides fragilis.
Academic Article Mpi recombinase globally modulates the surface architecture of a human commensal bacterium.
Academic Article The evolution of tit-for-tat in bacteria via the type VI secretion system.
Academic Article A monoclonal antibody to OspA inhibits association of Borrelia burgdorferi with human endothelial cells.
Academic Article Characterization of Borrelia burgdorferi invasion of cultured endothelial cells.
Academic Article Genetic and Biochemical Analysis of Anaerobic Respiration in Bacteroides fragilis and Its Importance In Vivo.
Academic Article A general O-glycosylation system important to the physiology of a major human intestinal symbiont.
Academic Article Bacteroidetocins Target the Essential Outer Membrane Protein BamA of Bacteroidales Symbionts and Pathogens.
Academic Article A Combination of Structural, Genetic, Phenotypic and Enzymatic Analyses Reveals the Importance of a Predicted Fucosyltransferase to Protein O-Glycosylation in the Bacteroidetes.
Academic Article Analysis of Effector and Immunity Proteins of the GA2 Type VI Secretion Systems of Gut Bacteroidales.
Academic Article A proteolytically activated antimicrobial toxin encoded on a mobile plasmid of Bacteroidales induces a protective response.
Grant Structural, genetic, and functional analyses of the glycoproteins of Bacteroides
Grant Secreted antimicrobial proteins of the intestinal Bacteriodales
Academic Article Mechanisms of bacterial immunity, protection, and survival during interbacterial warfare.
Academic Article Distant relatives of a eukaryotic cell-specific toxin family evolved a complement-like mechanism to kill bacteria.
Search Criteria
  • Antimicrobial
  • proteins