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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Faubert, Brandon
keywords Cancer Metabolism
keywords In Vivo Metabolism
overview The primary research interest of the Faubert laboratory is investigating how metabolic reprogramming – alterations of metabolic flux in malignant cells – supports cancer cell survival and growth. We have extensive experience in measuring metabolism in vitro and in vivo, including measuring tumor metabolism intra-operatively in patients. The laboratory utilizes a series of mass spectrometry platforms to provide comprehensive views of metabolic pathways in biological systems. We use a variety of methods to assess metabolism, including isotope tracing (13C, 2H, etc.), metabolomics and metabolic flux to dissect the metabolic programs that underlie these malignant phenotypes. We complement these approaches with molecular imaging techniques to monitor metabolic states of tumor metabolism in vivo, in order to understand the breadth of metabolic diversity in cancer. Emerging work from the lab explores the metabolic alterations that occur during the metastatic cascade, and the tumor metabolism that results unique microenvironments.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Faubert, Brandon
Item TypeName
Concept Kidney Neoplasms
Concept Energy Metabolism
Concept Ovarian Neoplasms
Concept Lung Neoplasms
Concept Thymus Neoplasms
Concept Lipid Metabolism
Concept Brain Neoplasms
Concept Neoplasms
Academic Article AIF: an acquired metabolic liability in lung cancer.
Academic Article The hexosamine biosynthesis pathway is a targetable liability in KRAS/LKB1 mutant lung cancer.
Academic Article Evidence for an alternative fatty acid desaturation pathway increasing cancer plasticity.
Academic Article LKB1 couples glucose metabolism to insulin secretion in mice.
Academic Article PGC-1a supports glutamine metabolism in breast cancer.
Academic Article Metabolic Diversity in Human Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells.
Academic Article Metabolic Profiling Using Stable Isotope Tracing Reveals Distinct Patterns of Glucose Utilization by Physiologically Activated CD8+ T Cells.
Academic Article The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and cancer: many faces of a metabolic regulator.
Academic Article Reactive metabolite production is a targetable liability of glycolytic metabolism in lung cancer.
Academic Article Lactate Metabolism in Human Lung Tumors.
Academic Article Loss of the tumor suppressor LKB1 promotes metabolic reprogramming of cancer cells via HIF-1a.
Academic Article Author Correction: CPS1 maintains pyrimidine pools and DNA synthesis in KRAS/LKB1-mutant lung cancer cells.
Academic Article CPS1 maintains pyrimidine pools and DNA synthesis in KRAS/LKB1-mutant lung cancer cells.
Academic Article Metformin Antagonizes Cancer Cell Proliferation by Suppressing Mitochondrial-Dependent Biosynthesis.
Academic Article Metabolic Heterogeneity in Human Lung Tumors.
Academic Article Isotope tracing reveals glycolysis and oxidative metabolism in childhood tumors of multiple histologies.
Academic Article CD8 memory T cells have a bioenergetic advantage that underlies their rapid recall ability.
Academic Article The tumor suppressor folliculin regulates AMPK-dependent metabolic transformation.
Academic Article Does Tumor FDG-PET Avidity Represent Enhanced Glycolytic Metabolism in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer?
Academic Article Metabolic reprogramming and cancer progression.
Academic Article Concentration-dependent Early Antivascular and Antitumor Effects of Itraconazole in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
Academic Article AMPK is a negative regulator of the Warburg effect and suppresses tumor growth in vivo.
Academic Article The eEF2 kinase confers resistance to nutrient deprivation by blocking translation elongation.
Academic Article Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1C promotes cell survival and tumor growth under conditions of metabolic stress.
Academic Article Stable isotope tracing to assess tumor metabolism in vivo.
Academic Article Analyzing Tumor Metabolism In Vivo
Academic Article Detection of glucose-derived D- and L-lactate in cancer cells by the use of a chiral NMR shift reagent.
Academic Article Compartmentalized metabolism supports midgestation mammalian development.
Academic Article Cellular signals converge at the NOX2-SHP-2 axis to induce reductive carboxylation in cancer cells.
Academic Article In vivo isotope tracing reveals a requirement for the electron transport chain in glucose and glutamine metabolism by tumors.
Academic Article In vivo characterization of glutamine metabolism identifies therapeutic targets in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
Academic Article Adipocytes reprogram cancer cell metabolism by diverting glucose towards glycerol-3-phosphate thereby promoting metastasis.
Academic Article Metabolic pathway analysis using stable isotopes in patients with cancer.
Academic Article Trans-vaccenic acid reprograms CD8+ T cells and anti-tumour immunity.
Academic Article Metabolic signatures of thymomas: potential biomarkers and treatment targets.
Academic Article Severely polarized extracellular acidity around tumour cells.
Academic Article Electron transport chain inhibition increases cellular dependence on purine transport and salvage.
Academic Article Concurrent loss of LKB1 and KEAP1 enhances SHMT-mediated antioxidant defence in KRAS-mutant lung cancer.
Search Criteria
  • Cancer
  • Metabolism