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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Voss, Joel
Item TypeName
Concept Cognitive Dysfunction
Concept Cognitive Reserve
Academic Article Subtle hippocampal deformities in breast cancer survivors with reduced episodic memory and self-reported cognitive concerns.
Academic Article Selective verbal recognition memory impairments are associated with atrophy of the language network in non-semantic variants of primary progressive aphasia.
Academic Article Network-targeted stimulation engages neurobehavioral hallmarks of age-related memory decline.
Academic Article Episodic memory improvements due to noninvasive stimulation targeting the cortical-hippocampal network: A replication and extension experiment.
Academic Article Can the fear recognition deficits associated with callous-unemotional traits be identified in early childhood?
Academic Article Testing network properties of episodic memory using non-invasive brain stimulation.
Academic Article Memory awareness disruptions in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: comparison of multiple awareness types for verbal and visuospatial material.
Academic Article Hippocampal functional connectivity is related to self-reported cognitive concerns in breast cancer patients undergoing adjuvant therapy.
Academic Article Distinguishing the precision of spatial recollection from its success: Evidence from healthy aging and unilateral mesial temporal lobe resection.
Academic Article Cerebellar Theta and Beta Noninvasive Stimulation Rhythms Differentially Influence Episodic Memory versus Semantic Prediction.
Academic Article Frequency-specific noninvasive modulation of memory retrieval and its relationship with hippocampal network connectivity.
Academic Article Long-lasting enhancements of memory and hippocampal-cortical functional connectivity following multiple-day targeted noninvasive stimulation.
Concept Cognitive Aging
Academic Article Innovative approaches in cognitive aging.
Grant Noninvasive modulation of prefrontal contributions to the organization of episodic memories
Grant Noninvasive Manipulation of Hippocampal-Cortical Brain Networks and Memory
Grant Neural systems for the dynamic use of memory
Grant Noninvasive Stimulation to Improve Hippocampal-Dependent Memory in Older Adults
Grant Neural systems for the dynamic use of memory
Grant Optimized dosing of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for enhancement of hippocampal-cortical networks
Search Criteria
  • Non
  • cognitive
  • traits