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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Ross, Lainie
keywords Pediatrics
overview Carolyn and Matthew Bucksbaum Professor of Clinical Ethics Professor, Departments of Pediatrics, Medicine, Surgery and the College Co-Director, Institute for Translational Medicine Associate Director, MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics University of Chicago My areas of research include: ethical and policy issues in organ transplantation, pediatrics, genetics, and human subjects protections/research ethics. I am currently writing a book on sibling obligations in health care that is funded by the National Library of Medicine. Books Lainie Friedman Ross, Children, Families, and Health Care Decision-Making (Oxford University Press [UK], 1998). Lainie Friedman Ross, Children in Research: Access versus Protection (Oxford University Press [UK], 2006). Robert M Veatch and Lainie F. Ross, Transplantation Ethics, 2nd ed. (Georgetown University Press, 2015). Robert M Veatch and Lainie F Ross, Defining Death: The Case for Choice (Georgetown University Press, 2016) Lainie Friedman Ross and J. Richard Thistlethwaite Jr. The Living Donor as Patient: Theory and Practice (Oxford University Press [US], 2021 in press) AB 1982 Princeton University (School of Public and International Affairs) MD 1986: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Residency (1986-1989): Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (PGY-1 &2) Columbia University (PGY-3) M Phil 1992: Yale University (Philosophy) PhD 1996: Yale University (Philosophy)
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Ross, Lainie
Item TypeName
Academic Article Lethal language, lethal decisions.
Academic Article Pediatricians' attitudes toward expanding newborn screening.
Academic Article Paediatricians' attitudes and practices towards HPV vaccination.
Academic Article Pediatricians are more supportive of the human papillomavirus vaccine than the general public.
Academic Article Pediatricians' attitudes toward resuscitation in children with chronic illnesses.
Academic Article Parental understanding of newborn screening for cystic fibrosis after a negative sweat-test.
Academic Article Sickle cell trait screening in athletes: pediatricians' attitudes and concerns.
Academic Article Ethics and professionalism in the pediatric curriculum: a survey of pediatric program directors.
Academic Article In defense of the Hopkins Lead Abatement Studies.
Academic Article Why "doctor, if this were your child, what would you do?" deserves an answer.
Academic Article Should children and adolescents undergo genetic testing?
Academic Article The need for consistency in 407 reviews.
Academic Article Do peer guidelines or editorial policies affect the reporting and discussion of race and ethnicity in pediatric research?
Academic Article In defense of a single standard of research risk for all children.
Academic Article Attitudes and beliefs of pediatricians and genetic counselors regarding testing and screening for CF and G6PD: implications for policy.
Academic Article Ethical issues in genetic testing of children.
Academic Article Phase I research and the meaning of direct benefit.
Academic Article Attitudes of healthcare professionals and parents regarding genetic testing for violent traits in childhood.
Academic Article Ethical and policy issues in pediatric genetics.
Academic Article Are minority children under- or overrepresented in pediatric research?
Academic Article Lessons to be learned from the 407 process.
Academic Article Newborn screening technology: proceed with caution.
Academic Article Pediatric research and the federal minimal risk standard.
Academic Article Does familiarity breed acceptance? The influence of policy on physicians' attitudes toward newborn screening programs.
Academic Article Pediatric bioethics: reintroducing the parents.
Academic Article 50 years ago in the Journal of Pediatrics: mass screening for phenylketonuria.
Academic Article 50 years ago in the Journal of Pediatrics: identification of heterozygotes with phenylketonuria on basis of blood tyrosine responses.
Academic Article Are research ethics standards satisfied in pediatric journal publications?
Academic Article When physicians forego the doctor-patient relationship, should they elect to self-prescribe or curbside? An empirical and ethical analysis.
Academic Article Disclosing the diagnosis of HIV in pediatrics.
Academic Article American Academy of Pediatrics policy statements on bioethics: summaries and commentaries: part 2.
Academic Article The ethics of type 1 diabetes prediction and prevention research.
Academic Article Ethical assessment of clinical asthma trials including children subjects.
Academic Article Reactions of pediatricians to refusals of medical treatment for minors.
Academic Article Minors as living solid-organ donors.
Academic Article A descriptive and moral evaluation of providing informal medical care to one's own children.
Academic Article In defense of the American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement--children as hematopoietic stem cell donors.
Academic Article The participation of minorities in published pediatric research.
Academic Article American academy of pediatrics policy statements on bioethics: summaries and commentaries: part 3.
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Academic Article 50 years ago in the Journal of Pediatrics: comparison of serum phenylalanine levels with growth in Guthrie's inhibition assay in newborn infants.
Academic Article Identification and management of sickle cell trait by young physicians.
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Academic Article A pilot study to evaluate knowledge and attitudes of Illinois pediatricians toward newborn screening for sickle cell disease and cystic fibrosis.
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Academic Article Relational autonomy: moving beyond the limits of isolated individualism.
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Academic Article Teaching and assessment of ethics and professionalism: a survey of pediatric program directors.
Academic Article Addressing the ethical challenges in genetic testing and sequencing of children.
Academic Article Young physicians' recall about pediatric training in ethics and professionalism and its practical utility.
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Academic Article 50 Years Ago in The Journal of Pediatrics: Phenylketonuria in a Negro Infant.
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Academic Article Theory and Practice of Pediatric Bioethics.
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Academic Article 50 Years Ago in TheJournal ofPediatrics: Evaluation of the Effects of Terminating the Diet in Phenylketonuria.
Academic Article 50 Years Ago in The Journal of Pediatrics: Conference on Treatment of Phenylketonuria.
Academic Article Attitudes and Counseling Practices of Pediatricians Regarding Youth Sports Participation and Concussion Risks.
Academic Article 50 Years Ago in The Journal of Pediatrics: Variability in the Manifestations of Phenylketonuria/Transient Hyperphenylalaninemia.
Academic Article The Role of Gender in Publication in The Journal of Pediatrics 2015-2016: Equal Reviews, Unequal Opportunities.
Academic Article 50 Years Ago in The Journal of Pediatrics: Maternal Phenylketonuria: Implications for Growth and Development.
Academic Article Gender Differences in the Authorship of Original Research in Pediatric Journals, 2001-2016.
Academic Article 50 Years Ago in The Journal of Pediatrics: Editorial Comment: Therapeutic Orphans.
Academic Article The Best Interest Standard: Same Name but Different Roles in Pediatric Bioethics and Child Rights Frameworks.
Award or Honor Receipt American Academy of Pediatrics (Section on Bioethics) William G. Bartholome Award for Ethical Excell
Academic Article 50 Years Ago in The Journal of Pediatrics: Prenatal Detection of Genetic Defects.
Academic Article 50 Years Ago in TheJournal ofPediatrics: Parents of the Mentally Retarded Child: Emotionally Overwhelmed or Informationally Deprived?
Academic Article In Further Defense of "Better than Best (Interest)".
Academic Article Better than Best (Interest Standard) in Pediatric Decision Making.
Academic Article Ethical Issues in Newborn Sequencing Research: The Case Study of BabySeq.
Academic Article 50 Years Ago in TheJournalofPediatrics: Renal Homotransplantations in Children.
Academic Article 50 Years Ago in TheJournalofPediatrics: Shifting Attitudes toward the Disclosure of Serious Illness.
Academic Article Ethical Issues Raised by the Media Portrayal of Adolescent Transplant Refusals.
Academic Article Reflections on Charlie Gard and the Best Interests Standard From Both Sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
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Academic Article The Pediatrician's Moral Obligation to Counsel Directively Against Youth Tackle Football.
Academic Article Impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic on Authorship Gender in The Journal of Pediatrics: Disproportionate Productivity by International Male Researchers.
Academic Article Reflections on Ethics and Advocacy in Child Health (REACH): Creating a Forum for Ethical Dialogue.
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Academic Article SARS-CoV-2 vaccine testing and trials in the pediatric population: biologic, ethical, research, and implementation challenges.
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Academic Article An Ethical Analysis of Newborn Congenital Cytomegalovirus Screening.
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Academic Article Expounding on Shared Decision-Making in Pediatrics.
Academic Article How Race, Ethnicity, and Social Determinants of Health Are Reported in Three European Pediatric Journals.
Academic Article Representation of Women in Published Articles at 3 Academic Pediatric Journals: 2001 to 2022.
Academic Article Newborn Screening for Neurodevelopmental Disorders May Exacerbate Health Disparities.
Academic Article Pediatric Decision Making: Consensus Recommendations.
Academic Article Misleading Statements About Children as Living Organ Donors.
Academic Article How We Found Consensus on Pediatric Decision-Making and Why It Matters.
Search Criteria
  • Pediatrics