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One or more keywords matched the following properties of White, Steven
overview I have 30 years of experience in the study of asthma, airways inflammation and airways remodeling, with a focus to understand why inflammation persists and why repair is aberrant in airways. My focus in recent years has been on the initial response to airway injury in cell biology-focused studies. Along with this, I have focused on understanding clinical parameters important to the care of patients with asthma. I have successfully administered several major NIH-funded grants, all of which have required significant collaborations with investigators from diverse fields and which have generated peer-reviewed publications in key biomedical journals. More recently, I have focused on understanding clinical parameters important to the care of patients with asthma. I was contact PI in a U19 funded Asthma and Allergic Diseases Cooperative Research Center funded by NIAID. Our asthma program was just awarded a UG1 for precision medicine in severe and exacerbation prone asthma (the “PrecISE” protocol). I also co-direct our hospital-wide COPD clinical program that focuses on readmissions and the transitions from hospital to outpatient and community medicine. Our multi-disciplinary group has already “bent the curve” downward substantially in readmissions, and I direct the clinical support team that provides direct patient care. More recent work from our program examines the role of the epithelium in host-defense responses to the airway microbiome; we have the largest single-center study to state and currently are examining the relationship of the fungal microbiome (the ‘mycobiome’) to the bacterial microbiome in asthma. All of this is dedicated to the idea that understanding the basic and translational science of the lungs will lead to better therapies for asthma.
Search Criteria
  • Bacterial
  • antagonism