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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Kenny, Hilary
Item TypeName
Concept Ovarian Neoplasms
Academic Article The initial steps of ovarian cancer cell metastasis are mediated by MMP-2 cleavage of vitronectin and fibronectin.
Academic Article MMP-2 functions as an early response protein in ovarian cancer metastasis.
Academic Article c-Met overexpression is a prognostic factor in ovarian cancer and an effective target for inhibition of peritoneal dissemination and invasion.
Academic Article Loss of E-cadherin promotes ovarian cancer metastasis via alpha 5-integrin, which is a therapeutic target.
Academic Article Adipocytes promote ovarian cancer metastasis and provide energy for rapid tumor growth.
Academic Article {beta}3-integrin expression on tumor cells inhibits tumor progression, reduces metastasis, and is associated with a favorable prognosis in patients with ovarian cancer.
Academic Article Targeting the urokinase plasminogen activator receptor inhibits ovarian cancer metastasis.
Academic Article The first line of intra-abdominal metastatic attack: breaching the mesothelial cell layer.
Academic Article Use of a novel 3D culture model to elucidate the role of mesothelial cells, fibroblasts and extra-cellular matrices on adhesion and invasion of ovarian cancer cells to the omentum.
Academic Article Organotypic models of metastasis: A three-dimensional culture mimicking the human peritoneum and omentum for the study of the early steps of ovarian cancer metastasis.
Academic Article Mesothelial cells promote early ovarian cancer metastasis through fibronectin secretion.
Academic Article Three-dimensional modeling of ovarian cancer.
Academic Article Urokinase plasminogen activator system-targeted delivery of nanobins as a novel ovarian cancer therapy.
Academic Article Epithelial ovarian cancer experimental models.
Academic Article Quantitative high throughput screening using a primary human three-dimensional organotypic culture predicts in vivo efficacy.
Academic Article Modeling the Early Steps of Ovarian Cancer Dissemination in an Organotypic Culture of the Human Peritoneal Cavity.
Academic Article Reversal of Chemoresistance in Ovarian Cancer by Co-Delivery of a P-Glycoprotein Inhibitor and Paclitaxel in a Liposomal Platform.
Academic Article A High-Throughput Screening Model of the Tumor Microenvironment for Ovarian Cancer Cell Growth.
Academic Article Adipocyte-induced CD36 expression drives ovarian cancer progression and metastasis.
Academic Article Organotypic 3D Models of the Ovarian Cancer Tumor Microenvironment.
Academic Article Fibroblasts Mobilize Tumor Cell Glycogen to Promote Proliferation and Metastasis.
Academic Article Neutrophils facilitate ovarian cancer premetastatic niche formation in the omentum.
Academic Article Inhibition of fascin in cancer and stromal cells blocks ovarian cancer metastasis.
Academic Article Quantitative High-Throughput Screening Using an Organotypic Model Identifies Compounds that Inhibit Ovarian Cancer Metastasis.
Academic Article Mesothelial Cell HIF1a Expression Is Metabolically Downregulated by Metformin to Prevent Oncogenic Tumor-Stromal Crosstalk.
Academic Article Modeling the Early Steps of Ovarian Cancer Dissemination in an Organotypic Culture of the Human Peritoneal Cavity.
Academic Article The Natural Product ß-Escin Targets Cancer and Stromal Cells of the Tumor Microenvironment to Inhibit Ovarian Cancer Metastasis.
Academic Article Cancer-associated mesothelial cell-derived ANGPTL4 and STC1 promote the early steps of ovarian cancer metastasis.
Grant The Role of the Microenvironment in Early Ovarian Cancer Metastasis
Academic Article Tumor microenvironment-induced FOXM1 regulates ovarian cancer stemness.
Search Criteria
  • Ovarian Cancer