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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Msall, Michael E.
overview For 34 years, I have been involved with understanding the complexity of child, adolescent, and adult neurodevelopmental disability and community outcomes of health, functioning, and participation. I bring expertise in qualitative and quantitative methods for modelling health status, resiliency and missed opportunities across childhood, adolescent and young adult life for individuals born prematurely. I have trained 54 postdoctoral fellows in their use of developmental and functional assessments, biomarkers, and clinical outcomes research, of which 95% have gone on to successful scientific and clinical-academic medical leadership positions. Throughout my career, I have asked the question how do individuals with prematurity at highest risk for early onset neurodevelopmental disabilities fare with respect to their long-term physical, developmental and social health outcomes? In my first U.S. academic job, I was responsible for neurodevelopmental consultative services linked to primary medical care and community care coordination (UCP, ARC, People’s Inc.) for individuals age birth to 90 years with CP and related neurodevelopmental disabilities. For these efforts, I received the Sir James Carreras International Variety Club Award. In my academic positions at Brown University and University of Chicago, I have continued to develop interdisciplinary regional management teams to promote functioning and participation for individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities. With interdisciplinary colleagues, I developed a pediatric functional independence measure (WeeFIMTM) that has been used for 3-7 year outcomes in three NIH Multicenter Studies: Cryosurgery for Retinopathy of Prematurity (Pediatrics. 2000;106(5):998-1005. PMID: 11061766), Fetal Surgery for Myelomeningocele (Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Jul;27(7):1083-8. PMID:21327591), and the CoolCap trial of cooling for neonatal encephalopathy (Guillet et al. Pediatr Res. 2012 Feb;71(2):205-9. PMID:22258133). More recently, I developed the Warner Initial Development Evaluation of Adaptive and Functional Skills (WIDEA-FS), which tracks emerging motor, communicative, and adaptive competencies in the first two years, and the Child Health Impairment-Functioning, Participation, and Participation (CHI-FPS) Checklist for children 7-18 years. These instruments were respectively normed on over 1500 neurotypical children and over 1500 children with disabilities. These tools were validated against specific standardized motor, communicative, developmental, psychological, and educational achievement tests. These indicators of challenges in daily activities and their impact on family life were subsequently implemented in community populations in New England, the International Rett Registry, the Western Australia Down Syndrome Registry, the U.S. and Australian Newborn Encephalopathy-Hypothermia and Erythropoietin Trials, and the Cerebral Palsy Research Registry. In all of these efforts, longitudinal strategies for tracking physical developmental and behavioral health outcomes, as well as functioning, participation and individual and family well-being occurred through interdisciplinary teams of health and rehabilitation professionals committed to enablement.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Msall, Michael E.
Item TypeName
Concept Airway Obstruction
Concept Anencephaly
Concept Congenital Abnormalities
Concept Achondroplasia
Concept Abnormalities, Multiple
Concept Acidosis
Concept Amino Acid Metabolism, Inborn Errors
Concept Blood Pressure
Concept Brain Damage, Chronic
Concept Brain Diseases
Concept Abnormalities, Drug-Induced
Concept Blindness
Concept Hypoxia
Concept Aphasia
Concept Asphyxia Neonatorum
Concept Anxiety Disorders
Concept Depressive Disorder
Concept Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity
Concept Brain Injuries
Concept Autistic Disorder
Concept Mental Disorders
Concept Brain
Concept Developmental Disabilities
Concept Child Development Disorders, Pervasive
Concept Cerebellar Neoplasms
Concept Cerebral Palsy
Concept Child Behavior Disorders
Concept Coma
Concept Communication Disorders
Concept Child Development
Concept Cognition Disorders
Concept Cardiovascular Diseases
Concept Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1
Concept Hypothermia
Concept Depressive Disorder, Major
Concept Epilepsy
Concept Cough
Concept Down Syndrome
Concept Cerebral Hemorrhage
Concept Deglutition Disorders
Concept Chronic Disease
Concept Depression
Concept Employment
Concept Muscle Hypotonia
Concept Galactosemias
Concept Hearing Loss, Bilateral
Concept Obesity
Concept Dyslexia
Concept Leukomalacia, Periventricular
Concept Inflammation
Concept Gastroesophageal Reflux
Concept Language Development
Concept Intestinal Perforation
Concept Language Development Disorders
Concept Functional Laterality
Concept Microcephaly
Concept Movement Disorders
Concept Pneumonia, Aspiration
Concept Protein-Energy Malnutrition
Concept Pain
Concept Intellectual Disability
Concept Paralysis
Concept Intervertebral Disc Displacement
Concept Nervous System Diseases
Concept Neural Tube Defects
Concept Sensation Disorders
Concept Medulloblastoma
Concept Failure to Thrive
Concept Pregnancy in Diabetics
Concept Hypoglycemia
Concept Infant, Low Birth Weight
Concept Psychomotor Disorders
Concept Vision Disorders
Concept Stress, Psychological
Concept Leukodystrophy, Globoid Cell
Concept Body Mass Index
Concept Spinal Cord Compression
Concept Spinal Stenosis
Concept Vision, Low
Concept Child Nutrition Disorders
Concept Rett Syndrome
Concept Motor Skills Disorders
Concept Substance-Related Disorders
Concept Velopharyngeal Insufficiency
Concept Meningomyelocele
Concept Multiple Sclerosis
Concept Weight Gain
Concept Spinal Dysraphism
Concept Nervous System Malformations
Concept Neoplasm Recurrence, Local
Concept Fetal Development
Concept Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Concept Sepsis
Concept Metabolic Syndrome
Concept Infant, Very Low Birth Weight
Concept Chronic Pain
Concept Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Concept Enterocolitis, Necrotizing
Concept Genetic Diseases, Inborn
Concept Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects
Concept Postoperative Complications
Concept Pregnancy Complications
Concept Pregnancy Complications, Infectious
Concept Retinopathy of Prematurity
Concept Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn
Concept Sleep Wake Disorders
Concept Argininosuccinic Aciduria
Concept Cognitive Dysfunction
Concept Fractures, Bone
Concept Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Concept Intracranial Hemorrhages
Concept Hypoxia-Ischemia, Brain
Concept Hearing Loss
Concept Biotinidase Deficiency
Concept Premature Birth
Concept Brain Neoplasms
Concept Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Concept Diabetes Mellitus
Concept Heart Rate
Concept Homocystinuria
Concept Infant, Newborn, Diseases
Concept Infant, Premature, Diseases
Concept Joint Instability
Concept Life Style
Concept Maple Syrup Urine Disease
Concept Metabolism, Inborn Errors
Concept Muscle Spasticity
Concept Neurologic Manifestations
Concept Scoliosis
Concept Seizures
Concept Ocular Motility Disorders
Concept Maternal Exposure
Concept Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase Deficiency Disease
Academic Article Hypoxemia during oral feedings in adults with dysphagia and severe neurological disabilities.
Academic Article Hypoxemia during oral feeding of children with severe cerebral palsy.
Academic Article Kindergarten readiness after extreme prematurity.
Academic Article Neuropsychological and functional outcomes of very low birth weight infants.
Academic Article The stability and equivalence reliability of the functional independence measure for children (WeeFIM).
Academic Article Television-viewing habits and sleep disturbance in school children.
Academic Article Measuring developmental and functional status in children with disabilities.
Academic Article The vulnerable preschool child: the impact of biomedical and social risks on neurodevelopmental function.
Academic Article Genes, brains, and development: linking preschool developmental disorders to medical science and care.
Academic Article The WeeFIM instrument: its utility in detecting change in children with developmental disabilities.
Academic Article Functional assessment and care of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities.
Academic Article Functional outcomes in self-care, mobility, communication, and learning in extremely low-birth weight infants.
Academic Article Parental and self-report of sleep in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Academic Article Newborn screening compared to clinical identification of biochemical genetic disorders.
Academic Article Severity of neonatal retinopathy of prematurity is predictive of neurodevelopmental functional outcome at age 5.5 years. Behalf of the Cryotherapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity Cooperative Group.
Academic Article Tools for measuring daily activities in children: promoting independence and developing a language for child disability.
Academic Article Maternal fish consumption and infant birth size and gestation: New York State Angler Cohort Study.
Academic Article Functional disability and school activity limitations in 41,300 school-age children: relationship to medical impairments.
Academic Article Educational and social competencies at 8 years in children with threshold retinopathy of prematurity in the CRYO-ROP multicenter study.
Academic Article Spectrum of gross motor function in extremely low birth weight children with cerebral palsy at 18 months of age.
Academic Article Development of a video-based evaluation tool in Rett syndrome.
Academic Article Effect of expanded newborn screening for biochemical genetic disorders on child outcomes and parental stress.
Academic Article Neurodevelopmental surveillance in the first 2 years after extremely preterm birth: evidence, challenges, and guidelines.
Academic Article Measuring developmental and functional status in children with disabilities.
Academic Article Counting children with disability in low-income countries: enhancing prevention, promoting child development, and investing in economic well-being.
Academic Article Prenatal cocaine exposure and fetal vascular disruption.
Academic Article Acquired epileptic aphasia. Diagnostic aspects of progressive language loss in preschool children.
Academic Article Developmental vulnerability and resilience in extremely preterm infants.
Academic Article The retina as a window to the brain in vulnerable neonates.
Academic Article The panorama of cerebral palsy after very and extremely preterm birth: evidence and challenges.
Academic Article Developing preschool surveillance tools for adaptive functioning: lessons for neuro-oncology.
Academic Article Optimizing early development and understanding trajectories of resiliency after extreme prematurity.
Academic Article Predicting school readiness from neurodevelopmental assessments at age 2 years after respiratory distress syndrome in infants born preterm.
Academic Article Concurrent validity of the parent-completed Ages and Stages Questionnaires, 2nd Ed. with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development II in a low-risk sample.
Academic Article Optimizing neuromotor outcomes among very preterm, very low-birth-weight infants.
Academic Article Functional performance of preterm children at age 4.
Academic Article Safety and efficacy of inhaled nitric oxide treatment for premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome: follow-up evaluation at early school age.
Academic Article Overestimating neuroprotection in congenital heart disease: problems with Bayley III outcomes.
Academic Article Distressed neighborhoods and child disability rates: analyses of 157,000 school-age children.
Academic Article Establishing a translational science for autistic spectrum disorders for children and their families: optimizing function, participation, and well-being.
Academic Article The spectrum of behavioral outcomes after extreme prematurity: regulatory, attention, social, and adaptive dimensions.
Academic Article The cerebral palsy research registry: development and progress toward national collaboration in the United States.
Academic Article 17-year outcome of preterm infants with diverse neonatal morbidities: Part 1--Impact on physical, neurological, and psychological health status.
Academic Article Neurodevelopmental outcome of infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
Academic Article Risk factors affecting school readiness in premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome.
Academic Article Measuring outcomes after extreme prematurity with the Bayley-III Scales of infant and toddler development: a cautionary tale from Australia.
Academic Article Genetic testing for autism spectrum disorders.
Academic Article The Bayley-III scale underestimates developmental delay in extremely premature and extremely low birth weight infants.
Academic Article Physiological stress and brain vulnerability: understanding the neurobiology of connectivity in preterm infants.
Academic Article The Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFIM). Conceptual basis and pilot use in children with developmental disabilities.
Academic Article Cognitive development in children with inborn errors of urea synthesis.
Academic Article Family developmental risk factors among adolescents with disabilities and children of parents with disabilities.
Academic Article Characteristics of dysphagia in children with cerebral palsy.
Academic Article Silent aspiration prominent in children with dysphagia.
Academic Article Personalized medicine and the importance of measuring functioning and participation over time: lessons from achondroplasia.
Academic Article Helping parents of children with monogenetic disorders understand developmental trajectories: lessons from achondroplasia.
Academic Article 17-year outcome of preterm infants with diverse neonatal morbidities: part 2, impact on activities and participation.
Academic Article Interrater agreement and stability of the Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFIM): use in children with developmental disabilities.
Academic Article Multivariate risks among extremely premature infants.
Academic Article Measuring functional status in children with genetic impairments.
Academic Article Measuring functional outcomes after prematurity: developmental impact of very low birth weight and extremely low birth weight status on childhood disability.
Academic Article Multiple minor malformations as a marker for prenatal etiology of cerebral palsy.
Academic Article Measuring functional skills in preschool children at risk for neurodevelopmental disabilities.
Academic Article Complexity of the cerebral palsy syndromes: toward a developmental neuroscience approach.
Academic Article Neurodevelopmental management strategies for children with cerebral palsy: optimizing function, promoting participation, and supporting families.
Academic Article Gross motor profile in rett syndrome as determined by video analysis.
Academic Article Developmental and functional outcomes in children with a positive newborn screen for Krabbe disease: a pilot study of a phone-based interview surveillance technique.
Academic Article Visuomotor performance in KCNJ11-related neonatal diabetes is impaired in children with DEND-associated mutations and may be improved by early treatment with sulfonylureas.
Academic Article A university-based health maintenance organization for persons with developmental disabilities: an editorial.
Academic Article Neurologic outcome in children with inborn errors of urea synthesis. Outcome of urea-cycle enzymopathies.
Academic Article Long-term morbidity and management strategies of tracheal aspiration in adults with severe developmental disabilities.
Academic Article Kindergarten readiness after prematurity: Integrating health, development, and behavioral functioning to optimize educational outcomes of vulnerable children.
Academic Article Antecedents and correlates of visual field deficits in children born extremely preterm.
Academic Article Social-emotional delays at 2 years in extremely low gestational age survivors: correlates of impaired orientation/engagement and emotional regulation.
Academic Article Commentary on "Kindergarten classroom functioning of extremely preterm/extremely low birth weight children" or "Leaving no child behind: promoting educational success for preterm survivors".
Academic Article Children with autism spectrum disorder and epilepsy.
Academic Article Prematurity and school readiness in a nationally representative sample of Australian children: does typically occurring preschool moderate the relationship?
Academic Article Impaired visual fixation at the age of 2 years in children born before the twenty-eighth week of gestation. Antecedents and correlates in the multicenter ELGAN study.
Academic Article Positive Parenting Practices, Health Disparities, and Developmental Progress.
Academic Article Medical Therapy for Inappropriate Sexual Behaviors in a Teen With Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Academic Article High-Dose Erythropoietin and Hypothermia for Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Phase II Trial.
Academic Article Patients with KCNJ11-related diabetes frequently have neuropsychological impairments compared with sibling controls.
Academic Article Supporting Vulnerable Children after Life-Threatening Neonatal Illness: Opportunities for Improving Outcomes.
Academic Article White Matter Injury and General Movements in High-Risk Preterm Infants.
Academic Article Language Abilities as a Framework for Understanding Emerging Cognition and Social Competencies after Late, Moderate, and Very Preterm Birth.
Academic Article ADHD, learning difficulties and sleep disturbances associated with KCNJ11-related neonatal diabetes.
Academic Article Cognitive Development and Quality of Life Associated With BPD in 10-Year-Olds Born Preterm.
Academic Article Health Disparities and Child Development After Prematurity.
Academic Article Neurocognitive function of 10-year-old multiples born less than 28 weeks of gestational age.
Academic Article The Test of Infant Motor Performance at 3 months predicts language, cognitive, and motor outcomes in infants born preterm at 2 years of age.
Academic Article Ethical Implications for Providers Regarding Cannabis Use in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Academic Article Children with developmental disabilities experience higher levels of adversity.
Award or Honor Receipt American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine(AACPDM) Mentor Award
Award or Honor Receipt Developmental Disabilities Planning Council of Western NY Community Service Award for health equity
Grant Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities in Illinois
Academic Article Concurrent validity of the Warner Initial Developmental Evaluation of Adaptive and Functional Skills and the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition.
Academic Article Validity of The Warner Initial Developmental Evaluation of Adaptive and Functional Skills (WIDEA-FS): a daily activity criterion checklist for infants and toddlers.
Academic Article Bacteroidota and Lachnospiraceae integration into the gut microbiome at key time points in early life are linked to infant neurodevelopment.
Academic Article Psychiatric Outcomes, Functioning, and Participation in Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns at Age 15 Years.
Academic Article Scaffolding Parenting and Health Development for Preterm Flourishing Across the Life Course.
Academic Article Defining A High-Quality Transition for Youth With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
Academic Article Development and Validation of a Deep Learning Method to Predict Cerebral Palsy From Spontaneous Movements in Infants at High Risk.
Academic Article Early childhood developmental skills of children with tracheostomies and ventilators recently discharged home.
Concept Motor Disorders
Concept Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Concept Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Academic Article Perinatal Factors and Emotional, Cognitive, and Behavioral Dysregulation in Childhood and Adolescence.
Academic Article BEhavioral Health Stratified Treatment (B.E.S.T.) to optimize transition to adulthood for youth with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.
Academic Article Ensuring Optimal Outcomes for Preterm Infants after NICU Discharge: A Life Course Health Development Approach to High-Risk Infant Follow-Up.
Academic Article Autism and neurodevelopmental disability risks in children with tracheostomies and ventilators.
Academic Article Understanding the multidimensional neurodevelopmental outcomes in children after congenital Zika virus exposure.
Academic Article Optimizing trajectories of social adaptive competencies after extreme prematurity during the first 1000 days.
Search Criteria
  • Brain
  • development
  • disorders